The CN100E drivers in the MSLANMAN.DOS and MSLANMAN.OS2 diectories conform to the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) 2.0 as defined by Microsoft/3Com. NDIS Driver Installation on LAN Manager v2.0 ============================================ 1. Type "Setup" in the LAN Manager directory and press Enter. 2. Choose "Import Network Drivers..." in the "CN100TX(E)" field. Press to continue. 3. Insert your Driver Diskette into either drive A: or B:. Then press to see the list of Imported Network Drivers on the screen. 4. Press the Bar to select the appropriate Network Adapter (i.e. "CN100TX(E) PCI Ethernet Adapter"), then press to confirm your choice. 5. Follow screen instructions to complete the process, until the Network Driver appears on screen. 6. Identify your Network Adapter if asked. For example, select "CN100TX(E) PCI Series Ethernet Adapter" to confirm any CN100TX(E) Adapter. 7. Select the and the options. Then select to confirm your choices. The Workstation's primary parameters should appear on screen. 8. Respond to all prompts issued on screen to complete the process. Select to confirm a choice. 9. Save all selections. Choose "Save" from the "Action Menu" 10. Press to exit. NDIS Driver Installation on LAN Manager v2.1 ============================================ 1. Type "lmsetup" in the LAN Manager directory and press . The Microsoft LAN Manager Setup screen should appear. 2. Choose "Network Drivers..." in the "Configuration" field. Press to confirm your choice. 3. Choose and press to display a list of Network Adapter Drivers. 4. Choose and press . 5. Insert the Driver Diskette into drive A: or B: of your PC. Indicate the drive location of the diskette and select to proceed. 6. Select the appropriate Network Adapter Driver from the list. For example, select "CN100TX(E) PCI Series Ethernet Adapter" Select to confirm your choice. 7. Select an appropriate protocol. Use the bar to highlight your choice. 8. Select to confirm your choice. A Configuration Complete message should appear on screen. 9. Save the configuration. Select . 10. Press to exit. NDIS Driver Installation on LAN Manager v2.2 ============================================ 1. Type setup in the LAN Manager directory and press . The Microsoft LAN Manager Setup screen should appear. 2. Choose "Network Drivers" from the "Configuration" field. Press to confirm your choice. 3. Choose and press to display a list of Network Adapter Drivers. 4. Choose and press . 5. Insert the Driver Diskette into drive A: or B: of your PC. Indicate the drive location of the diskette and select to proceed. 6. Select the appropriate Network Adapter Driver from the list. For example, select "CN100TX(E) PCI Series Ethernet Adapter" Select to confirm your choice. 7. Select an appropriate protocol. Use the to highlight your choice. If you have chosen the TCP/IP protocol, you will be prompted to key in the IP address, the subnet mask, and the default gateway (router). By default, the workstation number of the NetBios session is set to 6. Please consult Microsoft LAN Manager Installation Manual for more details, or check the online help. 8. Select to confirm your choice. A Configuration Complete message should appear onscreen. 9. Save the configuration. Select . 10. Press to exit. If you are installing the LAN Manager for the first time, you will be prompted to key in the default user name and domain of the workstation, as well as to answer the questions concerning the Windows environment and memory management. Just follow the instructions on the screen. Sample Configuration Files ========================== LAN Manager 2.0 CONFIG.SYS File LASTDRIVE=Z BUFFERS = 35 FILES = 35 SHELL=C:\DOS50\COMMAND.COM C:\DOS50 /p /E:1024 DEVICE=C:\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=C:\DOS50\SETVER.EXE DOS=HIGH,UMB DEVICE=C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PROTMAN\PROTMAN.DOS /i:C:\LANMAN.DOS DEVICE=C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\CN100TX\CN100E\CN100E.DOS DEVICE=C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PROTOCOL\NETBEUI\NETBEUI.DOS PROTOCOL.INI File [PROTOCOL MANAGER] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ [NETBEUI_XIF] Drivername = netbeui$ BINDINGS = "CN100E_NIF" [CN100E_NIF] ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Sample Protocol.ini file for CN100TX(E) NDIS/2 ; driver ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- DriverName = CN100E$ ; Slot = 1 ;; {1-16} ; SIA_Mode = AUTODETECT ;; {SIA_Mode = TP, BNC, TP_FULL_DUPLEX, AUTODETECT} ; DATA_RATE = MB10 ;; {MB10, MB100} ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; End of this sample file AUTOEXEC.BAT File @echo off PROMPT $P$G PATH=c:\PE2;C:\DOS50;C:\NC; APPEND=C:\PE2;C:\DOS50; REM ====== LANMAN 2.0 === DO NOT MODIFY BETWEEN THESE LINES SET PATH=C:\LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG;%PATH% C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PROTMAN\NETBIND NET START WORKSTATION REM ====== LANMAN 2.0 === DO NOT MODIFY BETWEEN THESE LINES LAN Manager 2.1 or LAN Manager 2.2 CONFIG.SYS File LASTDRIVE=Z BUFFERS = 35 FILES = 35 SHELL=C:\DOS62\COMMAND.COM C:\DOS62 /p /E:1024 DEVICE=C:\HIMEM.SYS REM DEVICE=C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\DOSUTILS\EMM386.EXE NoEMS ;;delete this DEVICE=C:\DOS62\SETVER.EXE ;;line DOS=HIGH,UMB DEVICE=C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\PROTMAN\PROTMAN.DOS /i:C:\LANMAN.DOS DEVICE=C:\LANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\CN100TX\CN100E\CN100E.DOS PROTOCOL.INI File [PROTMAN] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ DYNAMIC = YES PRIORITY = NETBEUI [NETBEUI_XIF] Drivername = netbeui$ SESSIONS = 6 NCBS = 12 BINDINGS = "CN100E_NIF" LANABASE = 0 [CN100E_NIF] ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Sample Protocol.ini file for CN100TX(E) NDIS/2 ; driver ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- DriverName = CN100E$ ; Slot = 1 ;; {1-16} ; SIA_Mode = AUTODETECT ;; {SIA_Mode = TP, BNC, TP_FULL_DUPLEX, AUTODETECT} ; DATA_RATE = MB10 ;; {MB10, MB100} ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; End of this sample file AUTOEXEC.BAT File @echo off PROMPT $P$G PATH=c:\PE2;C:\DOS62;C:\NC; APPEND=C:\PE2;C:\DOS62; @REM ====== LANMAN 2.1 === DO NOT MODIFY BETWEEN THESE LINES @REM=== LANMAN 2.1 === SET PATH=C:\LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG;%PATH% NET START WORKSTATION LOAD NETBEUI @REM ====== LANMAN 2.1 === DO NOT MODIFY BETWEEN THESE LINES @REM === LANMAN 2.1 ===