Remote Boot to Windows NT Server Install the NT RPL Server ------------------------- 1. Install the Remoteboot Service on the NT Server 1.1 Choose Control Panel, Network, Add Software, Remoteboot Service, put NT server CD or disk, to install Remoteboot Service. Note: To install RPL server, you must install DLC & Netbeui protocols in your NT server first. 2. Install MS-DOS files for Remoteboot workstation. copy all the MS-DOS 6.22 files to ----->\\systemroot\rpl\rplfiles\binfiles\dos622 copy c:\dos\*.* \\systemroot\rpl\rplfiles\binfiles\dos622 attrib -s -h c:\io.sys attrib -s -h c:\msdos.sys copy c:\io.sys \\systemroot\rpl\rplfiles\binfiles\dos622 copy c:\msdos.sys \\systemroot\rpl\rplfiles\binfiles\dos622 copy c:\ \\systemroot\rpl\rplfiles\binfiles\dos622 attrib +s +h c:\io.sys attrib +s +h c:\msdos.sys 3. Create Remoteboot configuration for new adapter 3.1 Copy the MS-DOS device driver(NDIS2) for the Ethernet adapter to the \\systemroot\rpl\bblock\ndis directory. for example: MXNICF.DOS NDIS2 driver for the PRO120(A) Adapter 3.2 Create the directory \\systemroot\rpl\bblock\netbeui\pci and create pci.cnf, protocol.ini files in this directory. The temperates for pci.cnf & protocol.ini are storeed at the \Bootrom directory in this driver diskette. Sample for PCI.CNF: ; DOS on PCI Ethernet BASE D0H RPL BBLOCK\RPLBOOT.SYS LDR BBLOCK\RPLSTART.COM ~ DAT BBLOCK\NETBEUI\PCI\PROTOCOL.INI ;must match with 3.2 setting DRV BBLOCK\RPLDISK.SYS ~ ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\RPLPRO1.COM ~ 2 ~ EXE BBLOCK\I13.COM ~ ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\RPLBIND2.EXE ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\PROTMAN.EXE ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\RPLBIND1.EXE ~ ~ ;DRV BBLOCK\IPXNDIS.DOS ~ ~ ~ ;DRV BBLOCK\TCPDRV.DOS /I:C:\LANMAN.DOS ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\NETBEUI\NETBEUI.EXE ~ 10 ~ DRV BBLOCK\NDIS\MXNICF.DOS ~ ~ ~ ;must match with driver DRV BBLOCK\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C:\LANMAN.DOS ~ M Sample for PROTOCOL.INI: [protman] drivername = protman$ dynamic = yes priority = netbeui [netbeui_xif] drivername = netbeui$ bindings = pci_nif names = 6 ncbs = 12 packets = 20 pipeline = 10 sessions = 6 stacksize = 512 lanabase = 0 [xnsnb_xif] drivername = xnsnb$ bindings = pci_nif load = xnsnb[cbr] lanabase = 1 [xnstp_xif] drivername = xnstp$ bindings = pci_nif load = xnstp[ub] lanabase = 1 [tcpip_xif] drivername = TCPIP$ disabledhcp = (TCPIP_NO_DHCP) ipaddress0 = (TCPIP_ADDRESS) subnetmask0 = (TCPIP_SUBMASK) defaultgateway0 = (TCPIP_GATEWAY) tcpsegmentsize = 1450 tcpwindowsize = 1450 nbsessions = 6 load = tcptsr[c],tinyrfc[c],emsbfr[cr] unload = "unloadt /notsr[dc]" bindings = pci_nif lanabase = 1 [ipx_xif] drivername = ipx$ load = ipxmark[u],ipx[u] unload = ipxrel[c] bindings = pci_nif lanabase = 1 [msdlc_xif] drivername = msdlc$ bindings = pci_nif load = msdlc[ub] unload = msdlc[u] [pci_nif] drivername = MXNICF$ ;must match with driver 3.3 Use Rplcmd utility to add a bblock record for new adapter Under MS-DOS Prompt, type <1> Net Start RemoteBoot <2> Rplcmd 3.4 You must follow the direction displayed on the screen Adapter Boot Config Profile Service Vendor Wksta [Quit] V Add Del Enum: A VendorName=xxxxxx(The first three Ethernet ID) Vendor Comment= Adapter Boot Config Profile Service Vendor Wksta [Quit] B Add Del Enum: A BootName=Dosx VendorName=xxxxxx(The first three Ethernet ID) BbcFile=Bblock\netbeui\Pci\Pci.cnf BootComment=Name of this Adapter WindowsSize=0 Adapter Boot Config Profile Service Vendor Wksta [Quit] C Add Del Enum: A ConfigName=Dos622x BootName=Dosx DirName=Dos DirName2=Dos622 FitShared=Fits\ FitPersonal=Fits\ ConfigComment=Dos 6.22 DirName3= DirName4= 3.5 Shutdown Windows NT Server, and reboot it 4. Login to NT server as Administrator. 5. Start RemoteBoot Service and Remoteboot manager 5.1 Under MS-DOS Prompt , type "Net Start Remoteboot" 5.2 In Network administrator, Remoteboot Manager 1. Choose Remoteboot, New Profile, to create and PCI Profile Name 2. Add new workstation for this Ethernet Adapter and choose PCI Profile file. Note: If the Node ID of Workstation does not match with your profile file, you can use "Convert Adapters" in Remoteboot menu of Remoteboot Manager to configure or create the Profile file.