Driver Installation for LAN Server 3.0 (1) Introduction: ----------------- This document describes the procedure to install NDIS driver on DOS LAN Requester and OS/2 LAN server 3.0 for PRO120(A) PCI Fast Ethernet adapter. (2) Location of Driver: ----------------------- \NDIS20\DOS\MXNICF.DOS (for DOS LAN Services) \NDIS20\OS2\MXNICF.OS2 (for OS/2 LAN Server) (3) Installing Driver Procedure on DOS LAN Requester: ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Insert the IBM LAN Support Program (LSP) Version 1.30 (or 1.31) Diskette into your floppy drive A: . 2. Type A:\dxmaid and press . 3. The screen will display the IBM logo. Press twice until the "Environment Information" appears on screen. 4. Responds to the screen prompts, specifying the following values for each field,use the to toggle between choices: Configuration for this computer? Yes Use existing configuration information? Yes Do you have adapter option diskettes? Yes Are you configuring for two adapters? No Do you need 802.2 interface support? Yes Source for LSP A:\ Target for new configuration C:\lsp Make sure that the values given above are correct, then press to store your choices. 5. Insert the PRO120(A) driver diskette in floppy A,and specify your pathname A:\NDIS20\DOS,then press ENTER. 6. Follow screen instructions to complete the process. Simply pressing for each screen display will select the default options. Press until you reach the display prompting you to insert the LSP diskette. 7. Insert the LSP diskette as prompted. Press to acknowledge completion of the action. 8. A screen showing the current configuration detected will be displayed. It should show the PRO120(A) PCI Fast Ethernet adapter and the protocols already selected (i.e."IBM IEEE 802.2" and "IBM OS/2 NETBIOS"). 9. Press . to save the new configuration. This completes the LSP installation. 10. Save the configuration and reboot your computer. 11. Insert the DOS LAN Requester Install Diskette 1 into your floppy drive. 12. Type A:\INSTALL 13. The IBM logo will again appear on the screen. Press to move on to the next screen. 14. Follow screen instructions, pressing to move from screen-to-screen until you are prompted to indicate the pathname of the DOS LAN Requester directory (C:\DOSLAN ). 15. Specify the pathname (C:\DOSLAN is the default) for the DOS LAN Requester directory . Then press to continue. 16. The program will ask you for the services that you require. 17. Highlight the appropriate option. Select either "Send messages" or "Send, View, Edit, and Log message" option. (Normally, second option "Send, View, Edit and Log message" is selected). 18. Specify the PC's ID and domain ID. 19. Follow screen prompts to complete the installation. (4) Installing Driver Procedure on OS/2 LAN Server 3.0: ------------------------------------------------------- Before you start with the installation process, make sure that OS/2 LAN Server is properly installed. Similarly, your adapter should also be properly installed in your server. 1. Copy MXNICF.OS2 and NETCARD.NIF files from your Driver diskette (\NDIS20\OS2) to C:\IBMCOM\MACS. 2. Click the OS/2 LAN Service icon. 3. Select "Installation and configuration". The IBM logo should appear onscreen. 4. Click . 5. Select and press . 6. Select "Install or Configuration this Workstation." 7. Select server type, adding a server or domain controller. The "install or remove" selections should appear. 8. Select "Configure a component." 10. Click the "Configure" button. 11. Select "Configure workstation." 12. Select "PRO120(A) NDIS 2 MAC driver" when prompted to select Network Adapter. Then click the button. 13. Select IBM NETBIOS from the list and click the button. 14. Select to confirm all selections. 15. Follow screen instructions to complete the process, selecting to accept default selections. 16. Continue pressing until your screen prompts you to backup old CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT and create a new CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. Also select to confirm this. 17. Installation is complete now. Reset your PC by turning it off and on. (5) Note: --------- DOS version must be bellow DOS 5.0 when installing DOS LAN requester into your DOS system.