How To Use NetWare DOSODI Driver PCNTNW.COM NOTE: The DOS ODI driver has been upgraded to support HSM 4.0. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 NETWARE DOS ODI INSTALLATION NOTES FOR 2.2 & 3.1x SERVERS: 2.0 NETWARE 4.x & 3.12 DOS WORKSTATION INSTALLATION NOTES: 3.0 NETWARE LITE INSTALLATION NOTES: 1.0 NETWARE DOS ODI INSTALLATION NOTES FOR 2.2 & 3.1x SERVERS: Your server must be running NetWare 2.2 or 3.x or greater to support ODI workstations. (For information on configuring an ODI workstation with a NetWare 4.x & 3.12 server, see NETWARE 4.0 & 3.12 DOS WORKSTATION INSTALLATION NOTES ). For more information on ODI workstations see Novell's documentation "ODI Shell for DOS". PROCEDURE: ---------- 1.Run the LSL program of NOVELL Operating System. 2.Execute PCI ODI driver.(PCNTNW.COM) The PCNTNW.COM driver defaults to Ethernet_802.2 frame type. If your network uses another frame type, you will need a NET.CFG file to communicate to the different settings. For an 802.3 frametype, create a NET.CFG file like the one below. It is an ascii file, which is sensitive to the placement of certain parameters. Be sure that the link driver line is left justified and the indented lines are preceded by either ONE SPACE, or ONE TAB. Link Driver PCNTNW Frame Ethernet_802.3 PROTOCOL IPX 0 ETHERNET_802.3 PB Buffers=2 Note: 1.FrameType - for 2.2 or 3.11 networks, 802.3 is generally the default frame type. NetWare 4.x or 3.12 will use the 802.2 frame type. 2.You can unload the ODI driver using -U parameter. 3.Run the IPX Protocol Stack in NOVELL named IPXODI.COM 4.Run the NOVELL DOS SHELL NETX.EXE or BNETX.COM, if the server supports IPXBURST mode. 5.Ensure your CONFIG.SYS file includes FILES and BUFFERS statements. (Novell recommends a minimum of 20 for each.) If a LASTDRIVE statement appears, it should indicate the drive letter of your last local drive. The following letter will be your first NetWare drive. For example, a LASTDRIVE=E statement, would give you Drive F as the first NetWare drive. 2.0 NETWARE 4.x & 3.12 DOS WORKSTATION INSTALLATION NOTES: There are two different methods to connect to a NetWare 4.x or 3.12 server. The first one describes using NETX.EXE or BNETX.COM, and this installation is the same as NetWare 2.2 or 3.1x. The second installation is for using Novell's VLMs and performing the installation through NetWare 4.x ( or 3.12 )'s INSTALL.EXE utility. Novell's INSTALL program will copy over the necessary drivers and software to connect to the NetWare 4.x ( or 3.12 ) server. If you have installed the System Software's socket service & card service already, temporarily unload it in order for the INSTALL program to function correctly. PROCEDURE: ---------- 1. Run INSTALL.EXE from Novell's Workstation for DOS Diskette. 2. The NetWare Client Install program screen will appear. You must complete each of the questions. These options are specific to your needs. A. Step #1 specifies the directory on the hard drive that you want to install the client software. The default directory is C:\NWCLIENT. You can specify another directory if you desire. B. Step #2 gives you the option to automatically update the CONFIG.SYS and the AUTOEXEC.BAT files or modify them at a later time manually. C. Step #3 will install Windows software for your system if your workstation supports Windows, and will ask you to specify the directory which Windows is located. D. Step #4 asks you to select a network driver and provide configuration options. It uses the specifications you provided to create the files NET.CFG and STARTNET.BAT. When it prompts you for the driver disk, insert the Distributed Disk and select the PCnet-PCI adapter. E. Step #5 is the final step and the INSTALL program will copy the appropriate files to your harddrive. 3. Run the STARTNET.BAT and connect to the NetWare 4.x ( or 3.12 ) server. 4. Ensure your CONFIG.SYS file includes LASTDRIVE=Z statement. If your last local drive is D, would give you Drive E as the first NetWare drive. 3.0 NETWARE LITE INSTALLATION NOTES: This section is based on NetWare Lite versions 1.0 and 1.1. For more details on NetWare Lite, see Novell's documentation. PROCEDURE --------- 1. Start Novell's INSTALL program and follow Novell's instructions for "other" drivers. When prompted to insert the "other" driver diskette, using the 3.5" distributed diskette, Select the PCnet-PCI driver from the list of available drivers. INSTALL will create a file called STARTNET.BAT. STARTNET.BAT for the PCI Ethernet card should look like this: LSL PCNTNW IPXODI A SHARE SERVER CLIENT NOTE: If this machine is a client only, the SHARE and SERVER command will not be included. 2. The PCNTNW.COM driver defaults to Ethernet_802.2 frame type. If your network uses another frame type, you will need a NET.CFG file to communicate to the different settings. For an 802.3 frametype, create a NET.CFG file like the one below. It is an ascii file, which is sensitive to the placement of certain parameters. Be sure that the link driver line is left justified and the indented lines are preceded by either ONE SPACE, or ONE TAB. Link Driver PCNTNW Frame Ethernet_802.3 PROTOCOL IPX 0 ETHERNET_802.3 3. Reboot the computer, run STARTNET and watch for the driver's logon message.