3Com (R) Corporation
                     EtherDisk (R) Diskette for
                  The EtherLink 10 ISA NIC Family
             Installing the NDIS Driver for Windows NT

Installing the NIC using Windows NT 4.0

The following steps describe how to install your 3Com NIC in a computer 
running Windows NT 4.0.  These instructions are for a new installation
to update a previous installation see the section regarding updating the
NIC drivers in Windows NT 4.0 which is included in this file.

1.  Start Windows NT.

2.  Choose Start Menu, Settings, Control panel, and double-click the Network
    icon. If this is a new network install a Network Configuration dialog box
    will occur saying "Windows NT Networking is not installed.  Do you want to 
    install it now?  Press YES to continue.

3.  The Network Setup Wizard will prompt you to select an option, either "Wired
    to the network" (default) or "Remote access to the network".  Make sure
    "Wired to the network" is selected and press NEXT to continue.

4.  The Network Setup Wizard will bring up another windows.  Click on the "Select
    from list..." option this will bring up Network Adapter selection window.  Press 
    the Have Disk button.  Insert the EtherDisk #1 diskette into drive A: and press 
    the OK button on the insert disk window.

5.  In the Select OEM Option window, select the NIC you are installing.
    This is normally the 3Com EtherLink 10 ISA (3C509) adapter. Press the
    OK button.

6.  The Network Setup Wizard should show the adapter you selected in Step 5, with
    a check next to it.  If this setting is correct press the NEXT button.  Then
    the Network Setup Wizard will prompt you to make your protocol selection, make
    sure the appropriate protocols are selected and click NEXT when ready.  The
    Network Setup Wizard will then prompt you to make you service selections, make
    sure the appropriate services are selected and click NEXT when ready.  The 
    Network Setup wizard will prompt you to confirm you selections, if they are
    correct press NEXT to continue.

7.  The setup will prompt you for the location of the NT source files.  If you
    are using the CD-ROM a typical path is "D:\I386".  After entering the 
    appropriate path to the NT files click CONTINUE to proceed with the installation.

8.  Assuming you chose the 3C509 NIC, the 3Com EtherLink 10 ISA (3C509) bus window 
    appears.  Press the OK button.

9.  NT will copy some files from the EtherDisk, and depending upon the network 
    configuration you may be required to answer further dialog boxes.

10. Eventually a Network Settings Change dialog box appears stating the network 
    installation is complete and the computer must be restarted before changes
    will take effect, press the Yes button to reboot.  

Updating the NIC using Windows NT 4.0
to update a previous installation see the section regarding updating the
NIC drivers in Windows NT 4.0 which is included in this file.

1.  Start Windows NT.

2.  Choose Start Menu, Settings, Control panel, and double-click the Network
    icon.  Then select the Adapter tab.

3.  Look at the Network Adapter windows.  If a 3Com EtherLink III ISA adapter is present,
    highlight the adapter and press REMOVE.  A warning will appear, press YES.  This
    NIC will disappear, close the menu, shutdown and reboot the computer.  Now repeat step 2 
    and continue to step 4.  You will get an error regarding at least one service failed 
    during start-up, press OK.  This error will not occur after you finished installing the
    new driver.

4.  Click on the Add button under the Adapter tab and press the "Have Disk..." option.  Insert 
    the EtherDisk #1 diskette into drive A: and press the OK button on the insert disk window.

5.  After copying files the adapter should appear in the Adapters tab.  Press CLOSE to continue
    with the installation.

6.  Depending upon your installation configuration you may need to answer further prompts.

7.  When completed reboot the computer to complete the update of the driver.


If you are using this driver in an Windows NT 4.0 multiprocessor computer,
then you must update Windows NT 4.0 to Service Pack 3 or newer.  Failure to
update to Service Pack 3 may result in Windows NT crashes.  If you are
installing more than one EtherLink 10 ISA in Windows NT 4.0, then follow the
installation steps below.  Failure to follow these steps may lead to problems
requiring you to reinstall your operating system.

If you are installing/upgrading the drivers and a previous service pack is 
already installed you may receive an error after installing that says:

    Event ID: 7023 The server service terminated with the following error: Not
    enough server storage space is available to process this command.

This is caused because the installation copies the original NT source files over
the updated files from the service pack.  When this occurs reapply the service
pack on the system.  Refer to MicroSoft article Q151427 for more information.

Windows 2000 is not supported with this driver set.  For Windows 2000 support
for the EtherLink 10 ISA (3C509B) use the native driver included with the
operating system.

Installing more than one EtherLink 10 ISA NIC in Windows NT 4.0

When you install more than one EtherLink 10 ISA in Windows NT 4.0, it's very
important that you install and configure each NIC, then reboot between the
installation of each NIC.  Do not attempt to install more than one EtherLink
10 ISA between each reboot.  Failure to follow this procedure may result in a
system failure during installation.  This may render the system unusable.

Installing the NIC using Windows NT 3.51

The following steps describe how to install your 3Com network NIC in a
computer running Windows NT.

1.  Start Windows NT.

2.  In the Main Group, open Control panel, then open the Network icon.

3.  If the EtherLink III adapter is already installed, highlight it in the
    Installed Adapter cards window and press the Remove button. Press the
    Yes button on the confirmation windows that appears next. Windows NT
    then removes the NIC and returns to the network setting window. Press
    the OK button, then press the Restart Now button on the Network
    Settings Change Window.  After NT reboots, log in and reopen the
    Network icon.

4.  In the Network Settings window, click Add Adapter. Windows NT prepares
    the Add Network Adapter windows.  Select <other> Requires disk from
    manufacturer (the last item in the list) and press the Continue button.

5.  Insert the EtherDisk diskette #1 into drive A: and press the OK button on
    the Insert Disk menu.  If the diskette driver is not A, then enter the
    correct drive letter followed by a colon in the dialog box.

6.  In the Select OEM Option window, select the correct NIC.  Assuming you
    are installing the 3C509 ISA NIC, that item is highlighted, so press
    the OK button.

7.  Next, a Bus Location window appears, for the 3C509 ISA adapter, just
    press the OK button.

8.  Windows NT will now copy the files from the EtherDisk and install and
    configure the NIC software.  When this step is complete, the Network
    Settings windows reappears.  If you have no other network changes to
    make, press the OK button.  Windows NT will complete the configuration
    of the network.

9.  In the Network Settings Change window, click Restart to restart
    your computer.

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