3LINK-ID Readme 02/25/99 -------- [Change History] Version 3.13 - Fixed problem where utility will report incorrect information in PnP OS is set to YES in the BIOS setup. This has been observed on systems with Phoenix BIOS 4.0 Release 6.0. Version 3.12 - Fixed problem with fast CPUs, 500 Mhz or faster. Version 3.11 - Added support for 3C905C - Added enhancement to detect LOM Vendors (Gateway & Dell) Version 3.10 - Fixed problem with incorrect ROM size being detected - Added detection capability for 3C905B-Combo and 3CSOHO NICs Version 3.03 add the following supports: - Added detection for the 3C905B-Combo and 3CSOHO100-TX - Added detection for 3C574 - Added detection for 3CCE589E/3CXE589E Version 3.02 add the following supports: - Added detection for the 3C509B-TPC - Added detection for the 3C900B family and the 3C90X fiber NICs Version 3.01 add the following supports: - 3C905B Fast EthernLink XL, PCI Version 2.5 add the following supports: - 3C619C TokenLink III 16/4 for ISA - 3C319 TokenLink Velocity 16/4 for ISA Version 2.4 add the following supports: - 3C515 Fast EtherLink ISA 10/100 BASE-TX Version 2.3 add the following supports: - 3C589D Etherlink III - 3C562B/3C563B, 3C562C/3C563C, 3C562D/3C563D Etherlink III Version 2.2 add the following supports: - 3C508 Etherlink III - 3C509 TPC Etherlink III - 3C900 and 3C905 Bus Master Adapter Version 2.1 has the following Fixes: - The I/O base address does not display while Bus is ISA+PCI - 3C589/3C589B not been detected while running DOS 6.22 - 3c905 [Program Description] This program attempts to find certain 3Com Ethernet, Token Ring and FDDI adapters in the system in which it is run. For those adapters it is able to find, it will query the adapter and display all user-configurable information that pertains to that adapter model. At present it is able to find and report on the following adapters: - 3C503 EtherLink II - 3C507 EtherLink 16 - 3C5x9 family (3C509, 3C529, 3C579 and 3C589 PCMCIA) EtherLink III - 3C508 family (3C508) EtherLink III - 3C562 PCMCIA LAN+Modem PC-Card - 3C523 EtherLink MC - 3C527 EtherLink MC/32 - 3C59x family (3C590, 3C592, 3C595 and 3C597) EtherLink III Bus Master and Fast EtherLink for EISA/PCI bus - 3C603 TokenLink - 3C6x9 family (3C619, 3C619B, 3C619C, 3C629, 3C629B and 3C679) TokenLink III - 3C6x9 family (3C319) TokenLink Velocity - 3C77x FDDILink - 3C90x family PCI Bus Master. - 3C515 Fast EtherLink ISA 10/100 BASE-TX - 3C574 Fast EtherLink 10/100 PC-Card It does not currently find: - 3C501 EtherLink - 3C505 EtherLink Plus - 3C605 TokenLink Plus [How it Works] To run 3LINK-ID, type the program name: 3LINK-ID. There are no command line parameters. 3LINK-ID returns a DOS error code, which may be accessed in a batch file. The error code represents the model of the last 3Com adapter to be found in the system. The models and their codes are: 3C501 1 3C503 2 3C503/16 3 3C505 4 3C507 Coax/AUI 5 3C507 TP/AUI 6 3C523 7 3C527 8 3C509 Coax/AUI 10 3C509 TP/AUI 11 3C509 Coax/TP/AUI 12 3C509 TP only 13 3C579 Coax/AUI 14 3C579 TP/AUI 15 3C579 Coax/TP/AUI 16 3C579 TP only 17 3C529 Coax/AUI 18 3C529 TP/AUI 19 3C529 Coax/TP/AUI 20 3C529 TP only 21 3C509B 24 3C509BTP 25 3C509BC 26 3C509BS 27 3C508TPC 28 3C508TP 29 3C590 30 3C595 TX 31 3C595 T4 32 3C595 MII 33 3C509TPC 34 3C592 35 3C597 TX 36 3C597 T4 37 3C597 MII 38 3C515 39 3C603 40 3C605 41 3C619 42 3C679 43 3C629 44 3C619B 45 3C629B 46 3C619C 47 3C319 48 3C589 50 3C589B 51 3C562 52 3C589C 53 3C589D 54 3C562B 55 3C562C 56 3C562D 57 3CXE589E/3CCE589E 58 3C574 61 3C770 70 3C905 TX 90 3C900 COMBO 91 3C900 TPO 92 3C905 T4 93 3C900B TPO 94 3C900B TPC 95 3C900B Combo 96 3C905B TX 97 3C980 98 3C905B FX 99 3C905B FL 100 3C905B Combo 101 3CSOHO 102 3C905B (Dell LOM) 106 3C905B (Gateway LOM) 107 3C905B (Unknown LOM Vendor) 120 3C905C TX 121 [Known limitations] - The main purpose of this utility is to find out what kind of 3Com's Adapters in the system. The displayed data are from EEPROM saved data which are not necessary equal to the run time setting. - 3C603 is excluded from the search list as default setting. However, user can use Inclusive search option to search for this kind adapter in the system. - Adapters which have I/O address conflicts may not be found or be reported incorrectly. Example 1: if there are two 3C507 adapters in the system which both have their I/O address set to 300, at least one of the two adapters will not be seen. Example 2: if there is a 3C503 and a 3C507 set to the same I/O address, the Ethernet address and possibly other configuration information will not be reported correctly. - 3LINK-ID has not been tested while running it from the network using IPX or ODI drivers. It has been tested and run successfully from the network while using NDIS 2.01 drivers. - 3LINK-ID has not been tested on Token Ring or FDDI adapters while the adapter is running on the network. - Running 3LINK-ID in an ISA system when a non-3Com adapter is installed and is set for an I/O base in the range of 200 to 3F0 hex may cause unpredictable results, e.g. the system may hang, or lose it's network session. - 3LINK-ID has been tested on all adapters in a DOS environment only. [Display Samples] 3C5x9 EtherLink III IRQ: 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15 I/O address (3C509, ISA mode only): 0x200, 0x210,..., 0x3F0 ROM address: 0xC2000, 0xC4000,...,0xDE000 ROM window size: 8k, 16k, 32k 3C59x Bus Master EtherLink IRQ (EISA mode only): 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15 I/O address(EISA mode only): 3000, 5000,...,F000 ROM address: 0xC2000, 0xC4000,...,0xDE000 ROM window size: 8k, 16k, 32k, 64k 3C6x9 TokenLink III IRQ: 2, 3, 6, 7 I/O address: 0xA20, 0xA24 RAM address: 0xD4000, 0xD8000 RAM size: 8k, 16k, 32k, 64k ROM address: 0xC0000 - 0xDE000 ROM size: 8k 3C589X (3C589, 3C589B, 3C589C, 3C562) PCMCIA family IRQ: 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15 (or assigned by Card Service) I/O address : 0x200, 0x210,..., 0x3F0 or 0x110, 0x120,..., 0x3A0 (if use Card Service) ROM address: N/A ROM window size: N/A 3C77x FDDILink (Bus-master) IRQ: 9, 10, 11, 12 I/O address: EISA only