3Com (R) Corporation
                     EtherDisk (R) Diskette for
  The 3C90X Fast EtherLink XL/EtherLink XL Bus Master Adapter Family
         Installing an Adapter in a NetWare OS/2 ODI Client

This section describes how to install the driver for an OS/2 client.

1.  Install the OS/2 operating system on the computer.

2.  Download the latest version of the Novell NetWare Requester from one
    of the following:

    -  Novell's ftp site: ftp.novell.com
    -  NetWire: On CompuServe, type: go Netwire

3.  Insert the first NetWare Requester diskette in the floppy drive.  
4.  Go to the Drives icon and bring up the drive for the NetWare Requester
    Install diskette. 
5.  Bring up the installation bar and single-click Installation.

6.  Double-click INSTALL.EXE.

7.  Follow the on-line instructions to install the NetWare Requester on the

8.  Type the name of the target directory where the Requester files will be
9.  Choose the ODI LAN driver from the list that appears.  
10. Click on the "v" in the information bar. You will be asked to insert 
    the diskette labeled WSDRV_1, or the diskette containing the 
    third-party ODI driver.
11. Insert the WSDRV_1 diskette.

12. Select the 3Com driver from the list of ODI drivers.

13. Complete the installation for the NetWare Requester.    

14. Install the 3C90X Fast EtherLink XL/EtherLink XL Bus Master Adapter and 
    connect it to the network.

15. Exit to DOS from OS/2 by doing one of the following:

    -  Boot your computer from a plain DOS diskette.

    -  In an OS/2 window, type:

       cd /OS2 [Enter]

       Then type: 
       BOOT /DOS [Enter]

16. Insert the EtherDisk diskette in drive A and at the DOS prompt, type: 

    A:\INSTALL [Enter]

17. On the main menu, select Driver Installation and Update and press 

18. On the Network Drivers screen, select Install Novell NetWare Drivers
    and press [Enter].

19. On the Novell NetWare Drivers screen, select Copy OS/2 ODI Driver and 
    press [Enter].

20. If you want to copy the driver to the NETWARE directory on drive C:
    press [Enter]. Otherwise, type another drive letter and directory name
    (for example, D:\ODIDRIVER), and press [Enter].

21. Reboot the computer.

      (%VER NWOS2ODI.TXT - NetWare OS/2 ODI Client Installation V1.0a)