SamsungHDD Diagnostic Program ----------------------------- When the Samsung hard disk drive suspected as a probable cause at customer site, Samsung diagnostic program will provide to the user the operating status of the drive. It can test Samsung Hard Drive only. To run samsung diagnostic(Sdiag121.exe) ------------------------------------- 1. Prepare a formatted bootable floppy diskette based DOS 2. Download the Sdiag121 file from the Internet WebSite(>download 3. Connect Samsung HDD to PC with Master or Slave drive * Back up all data before running the program 4. Boot from a booting diskette 5. Type Sdiag121 at the A:\ prompt 6. Choice "Y" or "N" to determine the agreement of Samsung Diagnostic (Type in 'Y' to proceed with diagnostic or 'N' to cancel test) 7. Select only the drive which manufactured by Samsung 8. Choice "Y" or "N" to test all area of the drive. Test Result ----------- 1. "There are some problems with your Samsung HDD" - Please contact to your Dealer or Service Center. 2. "Your Samsung HDD has no errors" - Please check virus, OS Program or connention of your system If it occurs the errors during the test, it give the below error codes at the A:\ DOS prompt. 1) "MC01, MS05" - Bad sector(System area) 2) "WR04, MS06" - Bad sector(All area) 3) "SP03" - Booting Fail