BusLogic FlashPoint PCI SCSI Host Adapter Driver For IBM OS/2 2.1x/Warp Version 1.48 Introduction ============ BusLogic's FlashPoint PCI SCSI Adapter Driver FLASHPT.ADD Ver 1.48 runs under IBM OS/2 2.1, 2.11 and 3.0 (Warp). This README file contains instructions on installing this driver on these OS/2 platforms and describes the various command line switches available to tailor the device driver to your needs. The installation procedures covered in this README file are as follows: I. Installation on OS/2 Warp II. Installation on OS/2 2.1x III. Installation with IDE as Primary IV. Miscellaneous Notes I. Installation on OS/2 Warp ============================ Installation of OS/2 driver can be performed in one of two ways, depending on whether OS/2 is being installed from diskettes or CD-ROM. Floppy Installation ------------------- Install OS/2 using the embedded INT 13 driver. After installation, perform the following steps: 1. Insert the BusLogic SW-200 Software Drivers diskette in the floppy drive. 2. Double-click, in order, the OS/2 System, System Setup, and Device Driver Install icons. 3. Press the Change button in the Source directory. 4. Select, in order, the OS2 and Warp directories. 5. Click on the Install button. 6. Select the BusLogic FlashPoint driver and press OK. OS/2 automatically updates the CONFIG.SYS file for the new driver. 7. Eject the driver diskette and reboot the system. CD-ROM Installation ------------------- To perform this procedure, you will need to modify the OS/2 installation diskette labeled "Diskette 1". Make a copy of that diskette and use the duplicate diskette whenever "Diskette 1" is called for in these instructions. 1. On a DOS or OS/2 system, insert the BusLogic SW-200 Software Drivers diskette in the floppy drive and copy the FlashPoint OS/2 driver to a temporary directory on the hard disk. C:\> MD MYTEMP C:\> CD MYTEMP C:\MYTEMP> COPY A:\OS2\WARP\FLASHPT.ADD 2. Remove the diskette from the floppy drive and insert Diskette 1. You will have to delete another driver from the diskette so that you can copy the FlashPoint OS/2 driver onto it. In the following example, the AIC7870 driver is replaced with the FlashPoint driver. C:\MYTEMP> DEL A:\AIC7870.ADD C:\MYTEMP> COPY FLASHPT.ADD A:\ 3. Edit CONFIG.SYS and replace the line BASEDEV=AIC7870.ADD with BASEDEV=FLASHPT.ADD Save the changes. Note: Do not position the FLASHPT.ADD as the first ADD driver in the CONFIG.SYS file. OS/2 keys off the default first ADD entry during installation. 4. Perform the installation using the modified Diskette 1. Note that during installation, the System Configuration window will not display the FlashPoint driver in the SCSI Adapter Support list box. This is OK. Simply select the OK button and proceed. II. Installation on OS/2 2.1x ============================= Installation of OS/2 driver can be performed in one of two ways, depending on whether OS/2 is being installed from diskettes or CD-ROM. Floppy Installation ------------------- Install OS/2 using the embedded INT 13 driver. After installation, perform the following steps: 1. Insert the BusLogic SW-200 Software Drivers diskette in the floppy drive. 2. Double-click, in order, the OS/2 System, System Setup, and Device Driver Install icons. 3. Press the Change button in the Source directory. 4. Select, in order, the OS2 and 2.1X directories. 5. Click on the Install button. 6. Select the BusLogic FlashPoint driver and press OK. OS/2 automatically updates the CONFIG.SYS file for the new driver. 7. Open an OS/2 window and overwrite the OS2LDR file on the hard disk as follows: A: A:\> CD OS2\2.1X A:\OS2\2.1X> ATTRIB -S -H -R C:\OS2LDR A:\OS2\2.1X> COPY OS2LDR C:\ A:\OS2\2.1X> ATTRIB +S +H +R C:\OS2LDR 8. Eject the driver diskette and reboot the system. CD-ROM Installation ------------------- CD-ROM installation requires the FlashPoint device driver during the OS/2 installation, therefore, changes to the OS/2 installation diskettes are necessary. Make backup copies of the Installation diskette and CD-ROM Install Diskette 1. Use the duplicates to perform the modifications below. 1. On a DOS or OS/2 system, insert the BusLogic SW-200 Software Drivers diskette in the floppy drive and copy the files from the OS/2 2.1X directory to a temporary directory on the hard disk. C:\> MD MYTEMP C:\> CD MYTEMP C:\MYTEMP> COPY A:\OS2\2.1X\*.* 2. Remove the diskette from the floppy drive and insert the CD-ROM Install Diskette 1. Copy the FLASHPT.ADD and IBMINT13.I13 onto the diskette as follows: C:\MYTEMP> COPY FLASHPT.ADD A:\ C:\MYTEMP> COPY IBMINT13.I13 A:\ 3. Edit CONFIG.SYS to insert the following line at the beginning of the file: BASEDEV=FLASHPT.ADD Save the changes. Note: Do not position the FLASHPT.ADD as the first ADD driver in the CONFIG.SYS file. OS/2 keys off the default first ADD entry during installation. 4. Now remove the diskette and insert the OS/2 Installation diskette. Copy OS2LDR onto the diskette as follows: C:\MYTEMP> COPY OS2LDR A:\ 5. Perform the installation using the modified diskettes up to the point where files have been installed from the CD-ROM and you are requested to reboot from the hard disk. Instead, reboot from the Installation diskette and CD-ROM Install Diskette 1. Escape out of the installation procedure to the system prompt. 6. Remove the CD-ROM Install Diskette 1 and insert the SW-200 Software Drivers diskette in the floppy drive. Follow the steps below to update the hard disk with the PCI-aware OS2LDR and IBMINT13.I13 files. A: A:\> CD OS2\2.1X A:\OS2\2.1X> ATTRIB -S -H -R C:\OS2LDR A:\OS2\2.1X> ATTRIB -S -H -R C:\OS2\IBMINT13.I13 A:\OS2\2.1X> COPY OS2LDR C:\ A:\OS2\2.1X> COPY IBMINT13.I13 C:\OS2 A:\OS2\2.1X> ATTRIB +S +H +R C:\OS2LDR A:\OS2\2.1X> ATTRIB +S +H +R C:\OS2\IBMINT13.I13 Remove the diskette and reboot the system to proceed with installation from the hard disk. Note that the next stage of the installation, the System Configuration window will not display the FlashPoint driver in the SCSI Adapter Support list box. This is OK. Simply select the OK button and proceed. III. Installation with IDE as Primary ===================================== Installation of OS/2 driver can be performed in one of two ways, depending on whether OS/2 is being installed from diskettes or CD-ROM using a CD-ROM drive attached to a BusLogic host adapter. Floppy Installation ------------------- Follow the Floppy Installation instruction described in Section I or II above. CD-ROM Installation ------------------- Follow the CD-ROM Installation instruction described in Section I or II above. When OS/2 Installation presents the System Configuration window, perform device driver installation as described in the Floppy Installation instruction in Section I or II above. Reboot the system using without closing the System Configuration window. Upon boot up, you will be prompted with the same window with the BusLogic FlashPoint driver in the SCSI Adapter Support list box. Proceed with the installation. IV. Command Line Switches ========================= BusLogic's FlashPoint OS/2 Adapter Device Driver supports the following command line switches: I. Global Switches ------------------ /V Verbose switch. This switch enables driver verbosity at initialization time. /QU Warning-error suppression switch. When invoked, the driver will not complain about references to non-existent targets/ luns specified on the BusLogic ADD driver command line. /O Early Opti chipset work-around switch. This switch provides a work-around for an early version of the Opti PCI chipset which can generate spurious interrupts. Do not use this option unless your system hangs at boot-time and you are using an Opti chipset. II. Per-Host Adapter Switches ----------------------------- /A:x Adapter identification switch. x is between 0 and 5 and identifies the adapter being referenced. This switch is followed by one or more of the switches below. /DM:xx DASD Manager Support switch. As defined by IBM, this switch enables/disables support for this unit by the IBM-supplied DASD Manager (OS2DASD.DMD). /SM:xx SCSI Manager Support switch. As defined by IBM, this switch enables/disables support for this unit by the IBM-supplied SCSI Manager (OS2SCSI.DMD). /TQ Enable tagged queuing support on ALL targets on the specified host adapter (specified by the receding /A: switch) that supports tagged queuing. If this switch is Tagged queuing is an advanced SCSI-II feature that allows overlapped commands to a SCSI device, this results in enhanced performance. While BusLogic provides support for this important SCSI-II feature, not all SCSI devices support tagged queuing. The SCSI device must support tagged queuing to take advantage of this feature. BusLogic's OS/2 SCSI Adapter Driver defaults to tagged queuing DISABLED on all devices. For devices that support tagged queuing, the following command line switches are provided to manage tagged queuing support on a finer device-specific level. /TQ:x,y,z,... Enable tagged queuing support on a specified list of SCSI targets. x,y,and z is a list of embedded SCSI targets separated by commas. The Logical Unit Number (LUN) is presumed to be 0. /TQ:(a,b), (c,d), ... Enable tagged queuing support on a specified list of pairs of SCSI targets/LUNs in parenthesies. Each parenthesied pair is separated by commas. Examples: 1) BASEDEV=FLASHPT.ADD /A:0 /TQ This example enables tagged queuing on host adapter 0 on all targets that support it. Targets attached to host adapter 0 that do not support tagged queuing are not affected. 2) BASEDEV=FLASHPT.ADD /A:0 /TQ /A:1 /TQ This example enables tagged queuing on all targets on host adapters 0 and 1 that support it. Targets attached to host adapters 0 and 1 that do not support tagged queuing are not affected. 3) BASEDEV=FLASHPT.ADD /A:0 /TQ:0,2,3 /A:2 /TQ:0,1 This example enables tagged queuing on targets 0, 2, and 3 on host adapter 0 and on targets 0 and 1 on host adapter 2. If any of the specified targets are not attached or do not support tagged queuing, specification of those particular devices is ignored. 4) BASEDEV=FLASHPT.ADD /A:0 /TQ:(0,0),(2,1) This example enables tagged queuing on target 0 LUN 0 and target 2 LUN 1 on host adapter 0. If any of the specified target/LUN combinations are not attached or do not support tagged queuing, specification of those particular devices is ignored. /LUNS:xx This switch specifies the maximum number of Logical Units (LUNs) the host adapter will support (try to detect). If the switch is not specified, the default is 8. Valid range is from 1 to 64. If the host adapter only has embedded SCSI targets attached (that is, all attached devices are at LUN 0), it is recommended to set this option value to 1 to turn off LUN support for LUNS other than 0. Examples: 1) BASEDEV=FLASHPT.ADD /A:0 /LUNS:1 This example effectively disables lun support on host adapter #0. 2) BASEDEV=FLASHPT.ADD /A:0 /LUNS:4 This example scans up to 4 LUNS on host adapter #0. /TO:xx Command Timeout switch. This per-host adapter switch specifies a timeout on each I/O request in seconds. It takes a decimal digit input between 1 and 99. The driver default is 15 seconds in this absence of this switch. Setting the timeout value to 0 turns off the timeout mechanism. Note: This switch has no effect on tape requests. Example: BASEDEV=FLASHPT.ADD /A:0 /TO:10 This example causes the driver to wait 10 seconds before timing out on an outstanding request. /MR:xx Maximum Request switch. This per-host adapter switch specifies the maximum number of requests that can be pending on the host adapter. Valid range is 1 - 64. Default is 32. /MA:xx Maximum Active switch. This per-host adapter switch specifies the maximum number of active requests that can be outstanding on each device on the host adapter. Valid range is 1 - . Default is 8. This value can be adjusted to increase performance. V. Miscellaneous Notes ====================== 1. To use a third-party ASPI driver (such as Corel SCSI) on a particular SCSI ID, you must disable the OS/2 DASD and SCSI managers as follows in the BASEDEV line in CONFIG.SYS: BASEDEV=FLASHPT.ADD /!DM:3 /!SM:3 The example disables the DASD and SCSI managers on SCSI ID 3. --- Version: $Id: readme.txt 1.4 1996/03/05 21:58:30 awin Exp $