Adaptec Ultra160 Family Manager Set v1.11
DOS Driver for CD-ROM

This section describes how to set up and install the DOS mode CD-ROM drivers.

Install the CD-ROM drivers only if DOS mode access to a SCSI CD-ROM drive is required. DOS mode access is needed during certain Windows 95, Windows 98, or Netware installation. If Windows 95, Windows 98, or NetWare is already installed, or if the CD-ROM drive is not connected to a SCSI adapter, these drivers do not need to be copied or installed. However, you may choose to install these drivers if you are having trouble accessing your CD-ROM from Netware or Windows 95/98.

NOTE: You do not need these drivers for Windows NT or UNIX.

The following CD-ROM driver files are provided on the Adaptec Ultra160 Family Manager Set driver diskette:


You might also need the file MSCDEX.EXE available from MS-DOS 6.0 or higher, Windows boot diskettes, or the Microsoft website.

Update Windows 95/98 installation diskettes

To update the Windows 95 or 98 Boot Diskette that came with your Windows 95 or 98 CD, make a backup of the Boot Diskette. Then copying ASPI8U2.SYS and ASPICD.SYS from the DOS directory of the Adaptec Ultra160 Family Manager Set driver diskette to the root directory of the Windows 95 or Windows 98 Boot Diskettes. The steps to do this will depend on your system setup. This is easier to do on a system that has DOS, Windows 95, or Windows 98 already installed. Here is one example:

Insert the Adaptec Ultra160 Family Manager Set driver diskette in drive a: and at the DOS prompt type:

copy a:\dos\aspi8u2.sys c:\
copy a:\dos\aspicd.sys c:\

Then insert the backup Windows Boot Disk in drive a: and type:

copy c:\aspi8u2.sys a:\
copy c:\aspicd.sys a:\

To begin installation, follow the section titled "Microsoft Windows 95/98 Installation".

Install CD-ROM drivers on a DOS bootable diskette or hard drive

Follow these steps if you want to enable SCSI CD-ROM access from either a bootable DOS diskette or a bootable hard drive.

The following systems files will be modified:



1. Copy the files ASPI8U2.SYS and ASPICD.SYS from the DOS directory of the Adaptec Ultra160 Family Manager Set driver diskette to the appropriate drive (either A: or C:) and directory in which they will be used (for example c:\SCSI).

2. Modify the CONFIG.SYS file for loading ASPI8U2.SYS and ASPICD.SYS.

If you do not currently have a CONFIG.SYS file, create this file in the A:\ or C:\ directory. Otherwise, add these lines to the existing CONFIG.SYS.

Below is an example of what the command strings should look like:

3. Modify the AUTOEXEC.BAT file for loading MSCDEX. If you do not currently have an AUTOEXEC.BAT file, create this file in the A:\ or C:\ directory. Otherwise, add these lines to the existing AUTOEXEC.BAT. 4. Reboot your system. You are now able to access your CD-ROM drive from the command line and from Windows or Netware.