and ADAPTEC.INF should be put onto a blank floppy disk. Then follow the
instructions listed below to update your Windows 95 SCSI miniport drivers.


   What is a SCSI miniport?  A SCSI miniport is a device driver that controls
   your SCSI host adapter.  For example, if you are running Windows 95 with
   an Adaptec AHA-2940, the miniport driver you are using is named
   aic78xx.mpd.  In order to aid users of Adaptec SCSI host adapters, we've
   included several newer miniport drivers on this floppy.  These drivers
   are for Windows 95 only.

   The following miniports are located on this floppy:

     o  AIC78XX.MPD
     o  AHA154X.MPD
     o  FD16_700.MPD

   The ADAPTEC.INF file is also required to be on this floppy.

   If you would like to update your SCSI miniport driver with one listed
   above, follow these steps:

   1.)  Run Device Manager.  You can do this by moving the mouse pointer
	over "My Computer," clicking the right mouse button, and selecting
	the "Properties" menu option.
   2.)  Select the "Device Manager" option.
   3.)  Expand the "SCSI controllers" tree to view your SCSI host adapter(s).
   4.)  Double-click on your SCSI host adapter.
   5.)  Select the "Driver" option.
   6.)  Select the "Change Driver..." option.
   7.)  Select the "Have Disk..." option.
   8.)  Enter your floppy drive letter (e.g. A:\) as the location to copy
	the manufacturer's files from.
   9.)  Insert the disk with the miniport files and adaptec.inf into your 
		floppy drive and click "OK."
   10.) Select the name of your host adapter and click "OK."
   11.) Click "OK" and the driver will be copied to your hard drive.
   12.) You must restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
	Click "Yes" to restart your computer.  Click "No" to return to the
	System Properties window.

   NOTE:  If your host adapter is not listed under "SCSI controllers" in
	  the "Device Manager", look under "Other Devices". If a SCSI
	  controller is listed under "Other Devices", click on "Update
	  Driver" and insert the disk with ADAPTEC.INF and the miniport
	  drivers. Follow the on-screen instructions.

   NOTE:  The miniports (AHA154X.MPD, SPARROW.MPD, AIC78XX.MPD, FD16_700.MPD)
	  may be manually updated by simply copying them to your Windows'
	  IOSUBSYS subdirectory.  For example:

	  C:\>copy a:\*.mpd c:\windows\system\iosubsys

   If you purchased the CD-ROM version of Windows 95, additional SCSI
   miniport drivers are located in the \Drivers\Storage directory of your
   Windows 95 CD-ROM.


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