# Aspi4all #

What are ASPI drivers ? (ripped from http://blindread.free.fr/aspi.htm)

ASPI stands for Advanced SCSI Programming Interface. It's an interface to access directly to the CD hardware, with a set of command the device can handle.

Nevertheless there is the word SCSI in ASPI, it's compatible and used with IDE ATAPI drives. Almost all the CD drives in the market belong to one of these category, so can be accessed through ASPI.

There is more ASPI distributions than you can count. Windows delivers its own, but is known to be very unstable and unreliable. Adaptec, who owns the copyrights, has a good, reliable distribution with all its SCSI cards and CD software. Symbios has its distribution, as well as some CD burning or extracting software.

Now problem is that this good Adaptec distribution can only be installed if you have either a Adaptec SCSI card or an Adaptec Software :-(
You could install eg. Easy Cd Creator Deluxe, and then you'd have a valid Adaptec Aspi layer ready to be updated to the most recent version but you'd be stuck with a poor cdr-program then...

So that's why there is Aspi4all  ... :-)

Aspi4all is just a simple cracked version of the standard Adaptec Aspi layer update found on the adaptec ftp site.
Running Aspi4all will cause your system to be upgraded to a complete new Adaptec-compliant aspi layer, so when in future you with to upgrade, you'll be able to use the standard Adaptec upgrade!

Why you require a VERY GOOD (NEW) ASPI Installation

To maximize your chances on copying that psx or safedisc cd, or just to rip audio at best speed and quality!

example with Blindread:

BR uses ASPI layer at 100%. to extract data from a CD,  a software shall not need necessarily all ASPI functions. But, to extract ALL the data from a CD, you need ALL the ASPI functions. Poor ASPI installations might work for some software, but not with BR !

As ASPI is very deep into hardware, BR with a poor ASPI installation often result in a system lockup, or a reboot. It's the most frequent problem we're encoutering.

How do I check my Aspi version ?

Simple: run ASPICHK.EXE that came with Aspi4All

If you have any version older than 4.60 (1021) or if you see something like this, you need updating :-)

How do I update my Aspi version ?

If you'd try the newest Adaptec distribution now, you'd probably get :

So, simply run ASPI4ALL.EXE and see:

Reboot, and if you run ASPICHK.EXE again :

So there you have it! Your own updated Adaptec-approved complete Aspi layer! :-)

If you want, you can now update your layer to the most recent one by downloading the newest distribution from Adaptec straight from their site:

Download Aspi4all (240kb)

My messages to the world:

-[ MiNK! ]-, March Y2K