=============================================================================== ATAPI CD-ROM Real Mode (DOS) Device Driver Installation Instructions =============================================================================== After executing the self-extracting file "atapi.exe" you should have the following files: * Setup.bat * Tosh.exe * Taisatap.sys * Readme.txt (This is the file you are now reading) Before beginning the ATAPI Device Driver Installation you must also locate the file "MSCDEX.EXE" on your system. If you are running only under the DOS operating system, this file can be found in C:\DOS If you are running under Win95 or Win98 this file is located in the directory C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND It is recommended that you copy all of the extracted files listed above and the MSCDEX.EXE file to a floppy disc for easy installation and future installation if necessary. The instructions below assume you are installing from a floppy. ***NOTE*** Be sure that the MSCDEX.EXE file is from the same version of the operating system that your system is currently running. An "Incorrect DOS Version" error will result from using a MSCDEX.EXE file from an earlier DOS version. ================================================================================= To install the driver: 1) Boot your system to DOS. For Win95/98 systems: Select Start and Choose SHUT DOWN/RESTART COMPUTER IN MS-DOS MODE 2) Insert the floppy with the expanded files (see list above) into drive A:\ 3) At the command prompt type A:\Tosh.exe 4) Accept the default directories suggested during the installation process by pressing enter. 5) Answer "yes" (Y) to all questions during the installation process with the following exceptions: Are you installing on a Network? Answer "No" (N) Do you want to change the default size? Answer "No" (N) 6) After the installation is complete, remove the floppy and reboot the system. 7) The CD-ROM should be recognized and will be assigned the next logical drive letter after your drive(s). ================================================================================= If you encounter problems with the above procedure, please call: TOSHIBA Disk Products Division Technical Support at (949) 754-5456, select option #1 for assistance.