Installation Manual for Pioneer SCSI CD-ROM driver for DOS ver 3.03 ==================================================================== !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! The executable files should be added to your path or started ! ! from witin their directory ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1. Contents of this floppy SETUP.EXE English setup program SETUP98.EXE Japanese setup program for NEC-PC98 EMANUAL.TXT English manual MANUAL.TXT Japanese manual two directories : PC98 Japanese driver files for NEC-PC98 PC-AT English driver files 2. Installation Make sure the CD-ROM drive and SCSI card have been physically installed and connected in the correct way. 3. Setup Program !!Caution!! The setup program only works when run from DOS. If the setup program is started from within Windows it might not work properly. The setup program will copy the necessary driver files and adjust the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. insert the floppy containing the driver into drive A: type : a:\SETUP.EXE This is the screen you get : ************************************************************************ ******* PIONEER CD-ROM DEVICE DRIVER SETUP PROGRAM Ver.3.00 ******* ******* Copyright 1995 PIONEER ELECTRONIC CORPORATION ******* ****************************************************************** This program starts an installation in the following conditions. [1] Boot Drive : C: [2] Install Directory : C:\PIONEER [3] Device Driver (**) : for ASPI manager type _____________________< Start Up >_____________________ | | | Do you start an installation on this condition? | | (Y/N): [Y]. If you have any change, select N. | |______________________________________________________| (**) * for ASPI manager type (DRD60ASP.SYS) * for Future Domain interface type (DRD600 .SYS) * for IBM SCSIadapter/A type (DRD60PS .SYS) !!! Make sure you select the device driver corresponding to your !!! SCSI Host Adapter 3.1 Type "Y" if these settings are OK for your configuration. 3.2 Type "N" if these settings are not right for your configuration. this will be displayed : ________________< Main Menu >_________________ | | | Select a change item. (1-3): [1] | |______________________________________________| You can now change the items that are not correct. 3.3 After copying the files, this will be displayed : ____________________< Rewrite Files >_____________________ | | | Do you rewrite CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT ? (Y/N): [Y] | |__________________________________________________________| Select "Y" if it's OK to adjust these files, select "N" if you want to adjust these files manually. ! If you select "Y", your original files will be copied to .DRM files ! 3.4 Miscellaneous If you want to interrupt the installation: Press the ESC(ape) key. Online help is available by pressing F1. Use arrow keys to scroll through the help text Press the ESC(ape) key to exit the help screen The setup program changes the following lines : in CONFIG.SYS: LASTDRIVE=Z .SYS /D:MSCD??? /C:CDP in AUTOEXEC.BAT: MSCDEX.EXE /D:MSCD??? | ---------> path to the MSCDEX.EXE file (usually DOS) 4. Programs included on the diskette. If you want any of the following programs to be executed everytime you start your system, please add them to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file ! * MPC.COM Memory resident program that communicates to the device driver through a character interface specified by the /C switch. It can be used to play an Audio-CD on your CD-ROM drive. This program does not support the DW-S114X and DR-U104X. * MPC98.COM Same as MPC.COM, but for NEC-98 series computers (Japanese) * MPCRMV.COM Remove program from memory. * MPC98RMV Same as MPCRMV.COM, but for NEC-98 series computers (Japanese) * DISC.EXE A DRD600 series driver can support maximum 24 discs (drive letter limitation) or maximum 7 CD-ROM drives (SCSI limitation). Some applications only work when run from a specified drive letter and/or Logical Unit. If you use a DRD600 series driver, the DISC.EXE utility allows you to change the order of drive letters. Procedure: C:>DISC (e.g.) C:>DISC MSCD001 or C:>DISC : (e.g.) C:>DISC G: Note : ":" is needed for drive name. < Change the order > C:>DISC [-R] No.1 No.2 ... (e.g.) C:>DISC MSCD001 3 0 Specified disc number is changed. If you add -R option, discs would line up from 0 to 1, 2, 3, ..... In case of (e.g.) , Fourth disc seems to be first disc. < Exchange two drives > C:>DISC (e.g.) C:>DISC D: G: Note : ":" should follow the drive letter. Exchange Drive letter 1 and Drive letter 2. In case of (e.g.), Exchange drive letter D: and G:. * XDISC.EXE If you connect multiple 6 disc drives, you may not have enough Drive letters available. This program allows you to indicate which of the 6 discs will be used. C:\%path%\XDISC (e.g.) C:>XDISC G: 1 * DRDUTL.EXE The DRD600 series device driver and MSCDEX.EXE allow MS-DOS to add multiple CD-ROM drives. Currently, some applications will waste time doing useless actions or can't handle the device driver error messages, if multiple CD-ROM drives are connected. This utility changes the driver's behavior (mode) to permit the optimum performance of this type of application. Use this utility only when your application program requests this kind of change of mode. The use of this program is explained below: C:>DRDUTL (e.g.) C:>DRDUTL MSCD001 or C:>DRDUTL : (e.g.) C:>DRDUTL G: Note : ":" should follow the drive letter. C:>DRDUTL [ switch ....] switch DSKCHK:ON(OFF) Enables or disables the disc check operation. SEEK:ON(OFF) Enables or disables the seek operation. VDRTRY:ON(OFF) Enables or disables "Invalid Medium Change" error message when reading the Volume Descriptor. Follow the setting of these switches as the application requests. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pioneer Electronic (Europe) NV Optical Systems Department Haven 1087, Keetberglaan 1, 9120 Melsele, Belgium tel : +/32/3/570.05.11 fax : +/32/3/570.08.94 BBS : +/32/3/570.08.80 email : URL :