****************************************************************************** Copyright (c) LG Electronic Inc , 1997. All rights reserved. CTS ****************************************************************************** =====================================CONTENT================================== 1. Dos & Win 3.xx 2. Win 95 3. Windows NT 4. Solaris 5. OS/2 6. Linux ============================================================================== Just Remember !! "The CD-ROM DRIVE of LG(Goldstar) need not device driver except DOS, Because of the win'95 or NT, another operating system is auto detected in the operating system itself. Therfore If your cd-rom drive is not recognized,then you have to check your system or operating system ." 1. Installation under the Dos & Win 3.xx 1) Turn off your PC and Connect CDROM DRIVE to the PC . 1.1 Adding the CD-ROM drive to a configuration with one IDE Hard Disk Set LG CD-ROM drive to SL(Slave mode) by setting a jumper on the middle side. The Hard Disk is set to IDE Master mode. 1.2 CD-ROM only connection to IDE card or Secondary IDE Port on the P.C Motherboard. Set CD-ROM drive to MA(Master mode). (refer to the Owner's manual ) 2) Turn the PC on . 3) Insert INSTALL DISK to the 3.5inch driver. 4) Type 'install' on the 3.5 INCH DRIVER. 5) Check the directory to install . (DEFUALT C:\CDROM) 6) After completion of the installation, Hit Enter. 7) Reboot the PC. 8) If the device driver installs successfully but the CD-ROM DRIVE can't be accessed, you check the following in CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT. CONFIG.SYS FILE : LASTDRIVE=Z DEVICE=C:\CDROM\GSCDROM.SYS /D:MSCD000 AUTOEXEC.BAT FILE : C:\CDROM\MSCDEX /D:MSCD000 9) If the CD-ROM DRIVE can't be accessed continuously in MS-DOS or PC-DOS, recheck the connection of P.C and CD-ROM. 10) If the CD-ROM DRIVE can't be accessed continuously in Win3.xx, recheck the following. 10-1) The 32BITDISKACCESS and VIRTUALHDIRQ parameter in the Windows SYSTEM.INI file set to OFF. 10-2) HOW TO MODIFY SYSTEM.INI: Using edit.exe, Users can edit the SYSTEM.INI file in the Windows directory : SYSTEM.INI FILE : [386ENH] VIRTUALHDIRQ=OFF 32bitDiskAccess=OFF (refer to the Owner's manual ) ============================================================================= 2. Installation under the Win 95 1) Turn off your PC and Connect CDROM DRIVE to the PC . 1.1 Adding the CD-ROM drive to a configuration with one IDE Hard Disk Set LG CD-ROM drive to SL(Slave mode) by setting a jumper on the middle side. The Hard Disk is set to IDE Master mode. 1.2 CD-ROM only connection to IDE card or Secondary IDE Port on the P.C Motherboard. Set CD-ROM drive to MA(Master mode). (refer to INSTALLATION UNDER DOS AND WIN3.XX) 2) Turn the PC on . 3) Under the WIN 95,LG CD-ROM DRIVE is automatically found by the PnP FUNCTION. Because LG CD-ROM DRIVE work on win95's DIVEICE DRIVER under the WIN95, Therefore the LG CD-ROM DRIVE need not device driver for win'95. 4) But if you want to use under the COMMAND PROMPT MODE of the WIN95, LG CD-ROM DRIVE should install from the INSTALL DISK. =>Insert the install disk into the floppy drive and type ' INSTALL'. => (refer to the Owner's manual ) 5) If the CD-ROM DRIVE can't be use auto-play fuction using for win95 CD or audio CD, check the following. 5-1) If LG CD-ROM DRIVE isn't listed in device manager, LG CD-ROM work on dos device driver or system was infected some virus. First check the virus, second removed "c:\cdrom\mscdex /d:mscd000" in autoexec.bat. ============================================================================== 3. Windows NT Workstation Operating System (Version 3.5 or 4.0 )Installation H/W Requirements For The Windows NT -32 bit processer, 386(25 MHZ) or above pentium PC. -High-Resolution Video display, VGA or above. -Mminium avaliable HDD Capacity : 90 MB (OS File :70MB, SWAP FILE:20MB). -High-density Floppy Drive for the X86 processer (5.25inch floppy drive is not supported ) -Minium 12MB RAM(16MB recommended) The 3 Types of Windows NT Installation - From the CD-ROM or Floppy diskette - From the Network - From the Computer Profile Setup INSTALLATION From the CD-ROM 1. Insert DISK1 boot disk into the floppy drive & CD-ROM NT DISC into the CD-ROM DRIVE 2. Reboot the Computer. And follow the instructions on the screen. 3. There are 2 types of the Windows NT set-up, Text mode and Graphic mode set -up. Text Mode Setup 1. INSTALLATION starts as soon as PC is rebooted , the menu screen appears. F1 Key : To learn more information about the NT Installation , Enter Key : To set up the NT now. R Key : To repair the damaged NT version. F3 : To quit set-up without installing the NT * Choose the option " SET UP the NT now." by pressing the Enter Key ! 2.The next scene asks "setup methods " : Express setup or customsetup. Choose the custom installation in the cases of using the new HDD or now O/S. The followings explain mainly the customer installation. 3. Enter Key : detecting the mass storage devices in your computer. S Key : skipping the process of detecting the mass storage device. 4. The CD-ROM is found if thescreen shows the message "found : IDE CD-ROM(ATAPI 1.2)/Dual-Chanel PCI Ide, while loading the device driver. S Key : To add CD-ROM Driver, SCSI Adapter, or other disc controller ., etc to the system , press "S Key" Enter Key : Not to add anything to the system , press 'Enter Key' Press ' Enter Key ' because the GCD-R580B has not driver for the Win NT but for the DOS. The Device Driver of the LG CD-ROM supplied for the Dos is not found. 5. The next scene asks " what media to install the win NT from" 5-1) Press 'Enter Key ' to install from the CD-ROM 5-2) Press 'A Key' to install from the 3.5inch disk drive (drive A:) (We press the 'Enter Key' ) 6.The next scene asks " what kind of the key board customer use now ?" ( We choose the 101 Key code ) 7.The next scene shows the configuration of H/W & S/W of the PC . In order to change anything , use the 'Direction Key'. e choose NO change 8.The next scene shows the space for the existing partition and the new partition . If the HDD is divided as several partition, move to the partition where WIN NT is installed using the direction key. If WIN NT is installed on the entire HDD, press Enter Key. If you want to make a partition , press 'C Key' Press ' A Key ' to delete the partition highlightened. 9.The next scene asks what partition you want for Window NT, FAT or NTFS. * Select the NTFS file system. 10.Then the next scene shows the process of the formating of partition . 11. After the format , the next scene asks the location of the HDD for the WIN NT to be installed on . Usually we install on the WIN NT DIRECTORY (EX:" \winnt35") 12 . the next scene shows the process of the examinating the HDD for corruption. press Enter Key to check the HDD with detail. press 'Esc key' to check the HDD basically. we recommend to choose Enter Key and perform an exhaustive secondary examination. 13. All the files are copied to the HDD after the checking , and at this point CD-ROM works . 14. Reboot the PC with the floppy disk drive empty. Then ' the Graphic mode set up' starts . Graphic Mode Set Up 15) After rebooting the PC, record the Name & name of the Company. 16) Record the Product ID. 17) Record the Computer Name of the PC. 18) Choose the language : We choose English(American). 19) Choose the Network,Printers,Applications and their Settings. Choose all the components in the optional components box. 20) Then we install the NT to HDD, at this point if CD-ROM Drive cannot find the CD,then the ERROR messages appears. 21) Record the Password of the Administrator. 22) Record the Local Account Username & Password. 23) Choose the Virtual Memory (usually 50 MB) 24) install the S/W. 25) Set the time & date. 26) Set the 'DISPLAY' and Choose whether to make 'emergency recovery disc ' or not . Reboot the PC , then NT starts. ===================================================================================================================== 4. The Installation Procedure of the Solaris x86 2.4¡¡ Hardware Requirements Processor requirements Recommend CPU=486DX above Minium 386 with 387 coprocessor at 33 MHZ. Memory Requirements at least 16MB of RAM Supported Disks & Buses Supported Disk Drives :SCSI,IDE Buses : ISA,EISA,MCA,PCI,VLB Hard Disk Capacity Minium 200MB above 300MB for a full installation Additional Supported Peripherals. SCSI CD-ROM SCSI tape drives SoundBlaster POro audio cards Network adapters Graphical Input Devices High-performance,high-resolution super VGA color display adapters Operating Environments * Boot Diskette * CD-ROM ========================================================================================== Installing Solaris x86 2.4 Pre-installation : 1. Insert the booting diskette 2. Insert cd disc to the cd-rom drive. 3. Turn on the PC & boot 4. message : " Enter the boot device code :_ ? " In the above Messages, Type number what devices are available to boot from or use in an installation After the machine setup, start the Installing of Solaris x86 2.4 1.chooing interactive or custom jump start 2.choosing the type of installation(character-based or GUI) Configuring the devices(GUI install only) 3.choosing the system type(standalone,server.dataless) 4.Selecting the software to install 5.preparing the disks with fdisk 6.Slicing the Solaris partition into file systems 7.installing Solaris x86 2.4 =============================================================================================================== 1.Choosing the Type of Installation 1) interactive :The way installing the system with user-interactive mode 2) custom jumpstart : The way installing the same system to the several computers, being able to save the time with the custom jumpstart file. 2.Choosing the Type of Installation 1) GUI ¡¡¡¡ :The mode installing on the open window, configuring the followings.¡¡¡¡ *Video display adapter *keyboard *Mouse 2) Character-based ¡¡¡¡¡¡ :The mode installing with text-based 3.Choosing the system type(standalone,server,dataless) standalone - Used to be installed to the PC alone. non-connected to network, server - sharing datas with network dataless cliendt - Used to the PC that the basic system is installed but the other program & data are used through the network server ---------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | standalone serve dataless cliendt 4.Choosing the Software to Install Core System Support installation of the requirements for being able to booting & running the Solaris Requirements : 70MB End Usr Sustem Support Installation of the requirements for end-users using Open windows Requirements 160MB Developer System Support Including the program for the developing software for the Solaris \\ Requirements 240MB Entire Distribution ¡¡ ¡¡¡¡ Installation of all the program Requirements 300MB 6.Slicing the Disk into File Systems File System Minimum Recommended / 17MB Varies ased on configuration /swap 32MB Default is 2x to 3x memory size /usr 30MB 180MB /opt 0MB Varies based on configuration /export/root 0MB 10MB base and 20MB per Soasris diskless client /export/swap 0MB 24MB per Solaris diskless client 7.Install starting ============================================================================= CD-ROM Mounting During the system booting, volume management program of the S£ï£ì£á£ò£é£ó automatically check to mount CD-ROM & Floppy. Namely, CD-ROM is mounted in the CDROM directory of "/ directory " If volume management could not correctly mount, User can mount CD-ROMs manually as followings. £­£­£­ Command for finding pid of vold £££ð£ó¡¡£­£å£æ£ü£ç£ò£å£ð¡¡£ö£ï£ì£ä £­£­£­Command for stopping the vold process ¡¡¡¡£±£®£££ë£é£ì£ì¡¡£­£¹¡¡£ð£é£ä ¡¡¡¡£²£®£££¯£å£ô£ã£¯£é£î£é£ô£®£ä£¯£ö£ï£ì£í£ç£ô¡¡£ó£ô£ï£ð ¡¡£¨ Command for stopping the vold process £© ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡£ó£ô£á£ò£ô £¨ Command for starting the vold process £© £­£­£­¡¡ Command for making the point directory to £í£ï£õ£î£ô£® ¡¡¡¡£££í£ë£ä£é£ò¡¡£¯£ã£ä£ò£ï£í £­£­£­¡¡command for £í£ï£õ£î£ôing. ¡¡¡¡¡¡£££í£ï£õ£î£ô¡¡£­£Æ¡¡£è£ó£æ£ó¡¡£­£ï¡¡£ò£ï¡¡£¯£ä£å£ö£¯£ä£ó£ë£¯£ã£±£ä£°£ð£°¡¡£¯£ã£ä£ò£ï£í ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡£­£­£­£­ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡file system¡¡£­£­£­£­£­ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡option¡¡¡¡¡¡£­£­£­£­£­£­£­£­£­£­£­£­£­£­£­ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ device name £­£­£­£­£­£­£­ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡mount-point If CD-ROM Drive is not found, try to find the latest upgraded Solaris drive from the manufacture and install again After mounting under the Unix system, Driver could be used like directory. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional Devices for M£ï£õ£î£ôing ¡¡ ¡¡¡¡ devices ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡file system¡¡¡¡¡¡ £è£ä£ä¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡£õ£æ£ó £æ£ì£ï£ð£ð£ù¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ £Ã£Ä£­£Ò£Ï£Í¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡£è£ó£æ£ó £î£å£ô£÷£ï£ò£ë¡¡£ó£å£ò£ö£å¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡£î£æ£ó £å£ø£© ¡¡¡¡£££í£ï£õ£î£ô¡¡£­£Æ¡¡£è£ó£æ£ó¡¡£­£ï¡¡£ò£ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡£õ£æ£ó¡¡¡¡£­£ï¡¡£ò£÷¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡£¯£ä£å£ö£¯£ä£ó£ë£¯£ã£°£ä£±£ó£²¡¡£¯£í£î£ô¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡£ð£ã£æ£ó¡¡£­£ï¡¡£ò£÷ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡£î£æ£ó¡¡¡¡£­£ï¡¡£ò£÷ ¡¡¡¡£££õ£î£í£ï£õ£ô¡¡£¯£í£î£ô ¡¡¡¡¡¡£­£­£­ Command for un£í£ï£õ£î£ôing. ======================================================================================================================= 5. OS/2 INSTALLATION GUIDE TO install os/2 using the EASY installation method, follow these steps. 1. If your computer is on , choose all running. 2. Insert the installation Diskette A. If you install from a CD, also insert the OS/2 into the CD-ROM drive. 3. Turn you computer ON. If your computer is already on, press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart it. so then appears the IBM logo display. 4. Remove the installation Diskette from drive A and insert diskette 1. Then press enter. As files are loaded into memory, you will see message asking you to wait, at this place to choose the EASY installation . If you choose the advanced installation, you have to use partition to format. 5. Use the arrow keys onyour keyboard to higlight EASY installation. Then press Enter. 6. Follow the instruction on the screen . If you install from diskette , you will be asked to remove and insert diskette as the Intallation progress. If you install from a CD , you will not see any message to remove diskettes. After diskette 6, you are asked to reinsert the installation diskette and then reinsert diskettes 1. Follow the instruction on the screen. After you remove diskette 1 and press ENTER, you see the OS/2 logo screen, followed by the system configuration screen. 7. The system configurastion screen shows your country configuration and the hardware devices that the installation program detected on your system. Check the choices on the screen to be sure they are correct. If any of the hardware listed on the screen is incorrect, use the mouse to clik on the icon (the small picture) next to the device name . A screen will appear where you can indicate the correct information about your hardware device. If you are unsure the about the hardware you are using ,refer to documentation that came with it. Follow the instructions on each screen. Click on HELP if you need more information about any screen you see. If the information on the System Configuration screen is correct, click on OK . At the CD-ROM choosing option, It is recommend to select " nonlisted CD-ROM or OTHER option" for the CD-ROM of LG(goldstar) A special note about Super VGA displays : during an EASY installation ,the installation program automatically provides VGA support for your display, even if you have a Super VGA(SVGA) display. If you want to upgrade to SVGA support after you have installed OS/2, use the Selective Install object in the system Setup folder to do so. 8. When you select system default printer windows appears use the arrow keys or your mouse to highlight the name of your printer in the list of printer names, Then indicate the port to which your printer is attached : - If your printer is connected to a parallel port(the connector on the Pcend of the printer cable has pins ) , click on the LPT1,LPT2,or LPT3 button. Then press Enter. - If your printer is connected to a serial port , click on the COM1,COM2, or COM3 or COM4 button. Then press Enter. If you do not have a printer attached to your computer, select Do Not Insatall Default Printer and press enetr or click on OK. 9. If you received a warning message at the beginnig of the installation program telling you that you did not have enough free disk space to install OS/2, but you decided to continue with the installation anyway, you will see the OS/2 Setup and installation screen. Go to Step 10. If you did not receiveda Warning message at the beginnig of the onstallation program, go to step 11. 10. The OS/2 setup and installation screen let you select the software features you want to install. you will notice that some features have a check mark next to them, which means they are selected for installation. The amount of hard disk space required for each feature is shown to the right of the feature. Follow the step : a. Click on options you do not want to install to deselect them. By deselecting features, you will save hard disk space. b. If a MORE button appears to the right of an option, click on the button to see additional items you can select or deselect. c. Click on install when you have made all your selections. 11. Follow the instructions that appear on each screen. You will be asked to remove and insert diskette , including one or more printer driver diskettes. After inserting each diskette , click on OK or press Enter. 12. When prompted to do so, insert the display driver diskettes that are part of the OS/2 installation. 13. If you installed OS/2 Warp ,a screen appears asking you to insert your windows diskettes. (if windows was preinstalled on your computer when you bought it or if you are installing OS/2 Warp with WIN-OS/2, you can skip this step and go to step 15) : - If you installed Windows from diskettes, follow these steps: a. remove the OS/2 diskette that is currently in Drive A. b. insert the requested Windows diskette and press Enter. c. Continue removing and inserting your Windows diskettes as requested. - If you installed Windows from a CD , follow these steps: a. Remove the OS/2 Cd from the CD-ROM drive . b. Insert the Windows Cd into the CD-ROM drive and press Enter. c. When you prompted for the location of the Windows files on the CD , type the drive letter and directory name in the field provided , For example : e:\winsetup where e: is the letter of the CD-ROM drive , and where \winsetup is the directory that contains the Windows files. 14. When prompted to do so, remove the Windows diskette or CD and press Enter. 15. When the OS/2 installation is completed , you will be prompted to shut down and restart your computer. Remove any diskette that is in drive A, and then click on OK or press Enter. 16. When your computer restarts , the OS/2 Tutorial will appear on your screen. View the tutorial to learn about the features of OS/2 and how to use your Desktop. The tutorial also provideds information to help you make the transition from DOS and Windows to OS/2 For more help on using the operation system, you can access the on-line help system. Press F1 anytime to get help, or if you see a Help push button at the bottom of screen, you can click on it to get more information about that screen ========================================================================================================================================== 6. Linux INSTALLATION 1.Under the Dos mode, make the "Boot Kernel" D:\Bootdsks.144>RAWRITE BARE(BARE.I, BARE.GZ...) A: 2.Make a "Root Image" D:\Rootdsks>Rewrite Color (Color.I, Color.GZ) A: 3.Reboot with the Boot Kernel Disk. 4.Message "Don't switch any disks yes! This prompt is just for entering extra parameters. If you don't need to enter any parameters. Hit Enter to continue. Boot:_ ==> Hit "Enter", (You don't need any "boot Option") 5. Cheek whether CD-ROM Drive is found. It's differently shown according to the connection method. Primary Slave -> hdb, Secondary Master -> hdc Secondary Slave -> hdd. 6. "VFS : Insert root floppy disk to be loaded into ramdisk and press Enter." Insert "Root Image disk" and Press Enter 7. slackware login : Type "root" 8.Message : " To restart the main installation, type setup. 9.Run ' fdisk.' #fdisk. (Basically make the Linux native Area of about 200Mbyte & Linux swap area of about 50Mbyte.) Activate Boot area. Change the ID of the Linux swap area. After saving, End.Fdisk command is appears if you Enter L 9. Reboot with "Boot Kernel" inserted. #shutdown -r now 10. Login with root. & run the setup. #setup. 11. Move the cusor to the ADD SWAP and Hit Enter. Activate Swap space 12. After Activation of swap space., Choose "Yes" in the Continue with Installation Dialog Box. 13. Using this partition for Linux. Press "OK"For the space to install on, Choose the partition activated as Boot space by fdisk. 14. Choose the format in the Format Partition dialog box, and capacity 4096 . 15. Choose "Yes" in the continue box. 16. Choose 5, "Install from CD-ROM" in the Source media option. 17. Choose 7, "Most IDE-Interface CD-DRIVES from the slack ware CD-ROM. 18. Choose scan in the "Select IDE Device" 19. Choose the slackware in the "Disk your installation method" 20. Choose "Yes" in the Continue dialog box 21. Choose the necessary programs in the "SERIES Selection", and Press "OK" 22. Add necessary program from the "Custom Disk SET", and Press OK. 23. Choose "Yes" in the Continue box . 24. Choose NONE in the Select prompting mode. 25. Choose the "Yes" in the "Configure Your System" 26. Choose "Continue" in the "Make bootdisk". 27. Choose the Modem, Mouse, Mouse port.. 28. If necessary, choose options in the Lilo Install dialog. 29. Choose the Network, GPM, SENDMAIL, Time Zone. 30. Press OK in the Set up Complete. 31. Press Exit and prompt window shows. 32. Reboot. 33. Run the Kernel compile if CD-ROM is not found when booting.* - The END - Kernel Compile darkstar : /# cd/usr/src/linuxdarkstar : /usr/src/linux/# make mrproper darkstar : /usr/src/linux/#make config Change the configuration to the System. Select y where Lise new IDE driver for primary/secondary i/f (Config-Blk-DEV-IDE) [y] Select y where Include support for IDE/ATAPI CDROMS (CONFIG-DEV-IDECD) [n] darkstar : /usr/src/linux/# make depdarkstar : /usr/src/linux/# make clean darkstar : /usr/src/linux/# make zlmage <- If error occurred, Input " make only" darkstar : /usr/src/linux/# make zlilo