Yamaha XG SoftSynthesizer(TM) S-YXG70 S-YXG70 is 2 in 1 model where you can switch back and forth between 2 types of software MIDI Engines <XG> and <XGlite>. <XG> is the same as the S-YXG50 engine and <XGlite> is the same as the S-YG20 engine. This file contains the latest information,corrections and addendum's for your version of the program. Read the following instruction before proceeding. <Specification> <XGlite> Tone Generation : Wave Table Number of Voices : 360 Melody voices + 11 Drum/SFX kits Multi-timbral Parts : 16 Maximum Polyphony : 32 notes Effect Processor : Reverb Sampling Rate : 22/ 11kHz Direct Sound (R) : ON/OFF <XG> Tone Generation : Wave Table Number of Voices : 676 Melody Voices + 42 SFX Voices + 21 Drum/SFX Kits Multi-timbral Parts : 16 Maximum Polyphony : 128 notes Effect Processor : 8 Chorus + 8 Reverb + 36 Variation Effect Sampling Rate : 44/ 22/ 11kHz Digital Dynamic Filter: Applied to each MIDI voice Direct Sound (R) : ON/OFF <Hardware Requirement> CPU : Intel/Cyrix/AMD 166MHz CPU or higher (Notes 1) (<XGlite> runs on 66 MHz or higher CPU) MMX(TM) Technology Pentium(R) Processor is recommended. System Memory : 16MB or over (<XGlite>: 8 MB or greater, 16 MB recommended) Operating System : Windows 95(R) Sound Function : 16bit Stereo Sound Codec (Notes 2) (Notes 1) Intel:Pentium/MMX Pentium , Cyrix:M2 , AMD:K5/K6 *M1/MediaGX(by Cyrix) playback <XGlite> only. The <XG> basic playback frequency (sound quality) is 22 KHz; With MMX = 44 KHz. Also, in notebook personal computers, even if a 166 MHz CPU is used, the number of simultaneous sounds available may not be guaranteed. (Notes 2) In some personal computers, a 16-bit sound function with monaural specifications is used, but the SoftSynthesizer (all models) does not run. <Installation> 1 Insert the disk into the computer's disk drive. 2 Double-click on the YAMAHA folder to open it, then double-click the "Setup.exe" file in the S-YXG70 folder. 3 Restart your computer when the installation is complete. When the S-YXG70 is installed the following commands will be added to the "system.ini" file. [386Enh] section device =vswp.vxd [Driver] section midi# =sxg07.drv wave# =sxg07.drv mixer# =sxg07.drv ("#" is the number appended to the WAVE and MIDI drivers prior to installation) <Uninstall procedure> ********* Remarks!!! ********************************************** Please run the uninstall program to remove the folder completely. Do not remove the S-YXG70 folder. ******************************************************************** Use the following procedure if you wish to delete the S-YXG70 from your hard disk. 1. Select [Start]-[Programs (P)]-[Yamaha SoftSynthesizerS-YXG70]-[uninstall S-YXG70]. 2. After the program starts, follow the directions given on-screen. 3. When your computer is re-started, S-YXG70 and its related files will be deleted from your hard disk, and you will be able to install new drivers. When the Uninstall Program does not work , delete the files shown below. --> Delete or alter the specified files on the hard disk as described below: 1. Select [Start]-[Find]-[File or Folder]. 2. Type system.ini, then press Enter. 3. When system.ini is displayed from the find results, press Enter >From the [386Enh] item, delete the device=vswp.vxd comment. >From the [drivers] item, delete the midi#=sxg07.drv, wave#= sxg07.drv and mixer#= sxg07.drv comment. ("#" is the number appended to the WAVE and MIDI drivers prior to installation) 4. Save the system.ini file in MemoPad, overwriting the file so as to include the changes. 5. Close Find. 6. Select [Start]-[Shut Down]-[Restart the Computer]. 7. Select [Start]-[Find]-[File or Folder]. 8. Type sxg*.* , then press [Enter]. 9. Select the following 6 files from the Find results, right click the mouse and select [Delete]. sxg07.drv sxg07mx1.dll sxg07mx3.dll sxgbcpl.cpl sxg07sys.dll sxgwave2.tbl 10. Type mmx*.* , then press [Enter]. 11. Select the following two files from the Find results, right click the mouse and select [Delete]. mmxswp00.dll mmx32x00.dll 12. Type each of the remaining files (sgmmod00.dll sgpwave00.tbl vswp.vxd vce50_2m.dll) by the same procedure, one file at a time, and delete them. 13. Close Find. <The XG home page> XG-related information is available from the Yamaha home pages: http://www.yamaha.co.jp/english/xg/ http://www.yamaha.com/ http://www.yamaha.co.uk/ http://www.yamaha.de/ http://www.yamaha.se/ http://www.yamaha.nl/ NOTE: * SoftSynthesizer is a trademark of the Yamaha Corporation. * Microsoft, Direct Sound and Windows are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. * Pentium and MMX are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation, * Company names and product names etc. in README.TXT are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright (C) 1998 YAMAHA CORPORATION All Rights Reserved