(1)DISK INSTALLATION This diskette contains files that accompany the Osborne/McGraw-Hill book: Sound Blaster: The Official Book (2nd Edition) You need about 3.5MB (three and one-half million bytes) of available space on your hard drive to install all of the software from the diskette that accompanies this book. The installation process creates a directory called \SBBOOK. It then decompresses files on the diskette and copies them to subdirectories under \SBBOOK. If you cannot perform the full installation, see the "Partial Installation" section for details on how to select individual programs to install. The installation process also copies all the files for Chapter 14, "Programming the Sound Blaster Family," to your hard disk. NOTE: The installation procedure does not change your AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS file, so you needn't be concerned about making backup copies of these before you begin the installation of the diskette. The final installation of the Windows programs will, under your control, create program icons in your Sound Blaster program group. If you like, you can create a Sound Blaster Book program group for these programs. For more background on how to do this, please consult your Microsoft Windows User's Guide. (2)Full Installation To install all the programs, place the diskette into your A: (or B:) floppy drive. Switch the DOS prompt for that drive by typing A: (or B:) and press ENTER. NOTE: If you're in Microsoft Windows, go to the Program Manager and select Exit from the File menu to return to DOS. Now run the INSTALL batch file on the diskette, selecting one of the following two options: To install to hard drive C:, type INSTALL C: and then press ENTER. To install to hard drive D:, type INSTALL D: and then press ENTER. NOTE: You must include the colon (:) after the drive letter. After the installation starts, you'll be prompted several times to press any key to continue. NOTE: You can prematurely terminate the installation process by pressing Ctrl-C (hold down the Ctrl key and press C). Then press Y to confirm that you wish to terminate the batch (installation) file. If you run only DOS on your machine, then once the installation batch file finishes, you're done with the installation. If you run Microsoft Windows, your next step is to finish the installation of the Windows programs on the diskette. The INSTALL batch file displays information on your screen that tells you how to perform the Windows part of the installation. This information can be captured to your printer by doing a Print Screen, however for your convenience this information is duplicated in the sections that follow. (3)Creating a Program Group You're likely to add program icons for the Windows programs to your Sound Blaster program group, but if you wish to create a program group for the programs in this book, follow these instructions. From your Microsoft Windows Program Manager follow these steps: 1. Select New from the File menu. 2. Select Program Group, and then click OK. 3. Type Sound Blaster Book in the Description field. 4. Click OK. (3)Creating Program Icons Select the program group (probably your Sound Blaster program group but maybe a new Sound Blaster Book group) that'll be the home for the Windows programs that accompany Sound Blaster: The Official Book. From your Windows Program Manager, make certain that this program group is the currently selected one, the one that has the highlighted window title. From this program group, create program items for each of the files listed below, following these steps: 1. Select New from the File menu. 2. Click OK (program item is already selected). 3. Select Browse. (If you don't see the Browse button, you're in the File Manager.) 4. Navigate to each filename below, double-click them, then click OK: \SBBOOK\GOLDWAVE\GOLDWAVE.EXE \SBBOOK\VADEMO\V_ASSIST.EXE (2)Partial Installation You can install the software onto the hard disk without running the installation program. A partial installation is necessary if any of the following situations apply to you: >> You lack 3.5MB available space on your hard drive. >> You wish to copy the files to a directory other than \SBBOOK. >> You already have a directory called \SBBOOK (the INSTALL batch file does not copy files to the directory \SBBOOK if it already exists). The file FILELIST.TXT on the diskette lists the software provided with the name of the self-extracting file that contains each program. Suppose you want to make a fresh copy of the VoiceAssist demonstration program. It's provided in the self-extracting file VADEMO.EXE. Create a directory on your hard drive (if one doesn't already exist for these files). Switch to that directory and then run VADEMO.EXE. VADEMO.EXE then copies the files to your directory on the hard drive. Let's say you've put the diskette into the A: drive, and you wish to copy the files in VADEMO.EXE to a directory called \VADEMO that you've just created on your C: drive. Follow these instructions: 1. Type C: and then press ENTER. 2. Type CD\VADEMO and then press ENTER. 3. Type A:VADEMO.EXE and then press ENTER. NOTE: Refer to your DOS manual for more assistance with creating directories or moving into and out of them. 12/28/93