SBTALKER and MONOLOGUE for WINDOWS LATEST INFORMATION ===================================================== This file contains information that is not available during the printing of the manual. Please read all the sections before you proceed with any installation procedure . This file contains the following sections: 1. SBTalker 1.1 Installation 1.2 Blaster Environment 2. Monologue for Windows 2.1 Version and Copyright 2.2 Installation 2.3 Configuration 3. Software Package Listing 1. SBTALKER 1.1 INSTALLATION To install SBTalker to your hard disk, run the program SETUP.EXE from the DOS prompt. This program can be found on the disk labelled "Text to Speech Disk". 1.2 BLASTER ENVIRONMENT To run SBTALKER software, the BLASTER environment string must be properly set up. This environment string contains information of your sound card's configuration. Please refer the User Reference Manual for more details about setting up this environment string. 2. MONOLOGUE FOR WINDOWS 2.1 VERSIONS AND COPYRIGHT Monologue for Windows, Version 1.5 OEM, Copyright (c) 1992, First Byte. 2.2 INSTALLATION The contents must be installed onto a hard disk by running the INSTALL.EXE program found on the disk labelled "Text to Speech Disk", from within Windows. The INSTALL program will not run from the DOS shell. The INSTALL program will creates the necessary directory on your hard disk and copies the Monologue for Windows files to the new directory. It will also create a Monologue group in the Program Manager. 2.3 CONFIGURATION To use any of the Monologue software, you will have to modify you PATH in AUTOEXEC.BAT to include C:\MONOLOGW (or whatever name you chose during installation). Before running Monologue for Windows, ensure that you have installed the Windows drivers for Sound Blaster. Also, check that a speaker or headphones are plugged into the output of the Sound Blaster card. For details about testing the Sound Blaster card for proper operation and configuration, and the installation of the Windows drivers, please refer to the "Getting Started" user guide. 3. SOFTWARE PACKAGE LISTING a. The following are files on the distribution disk(s). In the ROOT directory DISK.ID - Diskette identification file README.COM - Program to read README.TXT README.TXT - This file SBTALKER.001 - SBTalker compressed installation data file SETUP.EXE - SBTalker hard disk installation program INSTALL.EXE - Monologue for Windows hard disk installation program In the \MONOLOGW sub-directory FB_*.* - First Byte Pro-Voice drivers INSTALL2.EXE - Monologue installation program source file DICTMGR.EXE - Monologue dictionary manager MONOLOGW.EXE - Monologue for Windows program b. The following are SBTalker files that will be installed to the sub-directory \SBTALKER by the SETUP.EXE installation program. BLASTER.DRV - Text-to-Speech driver SBAITSO2.EXE - Dr. Sbaitso program SBTALKER.EXE - Memory-resident program to load BLASTER.DRV SBTALK.BAT - Batch file to install SBTALKER into memory REMOVE.EXE - Program to remove SBTALKER from memory READ.EXE - ASCII text reader program SBTEST.TXT - Sample ASCII text file SET-ECHO.EXE - Program to set the echo effect for SBTALKER README.COM - Program to read README.TXT for SBTalker README.TXT - This file c. The following are Monologue for Windows files that will be installed to the sub-directory \MONOLOGW by the INSTALL.EXE installation program. FB_*.* - First Byte Pro-Voice drivers DICTMGR.EXE - Monologue dictionary manager MONOLOGW.EXE - Monologue for Windows program README.TXT - This file ********** END OF README.TXT **********