Text Assist ReadMe! This file contains additional information on TextAssist, as well as changes to the applications which were made after the printing of the manual. Please refer to the sections listed below for further details. 1. TextAssist Singing Files. 2. Texto'LE. 3. TextAssist Control Panel. 4. TextAssist and PC Tools For Windows version 1.0. 1. TextAssist Singing Files. (a) To demonstrate the flexibility of Texto'LE, five singing files have been linked into a single icon called "Singing Text" in the TextAssist program group. There are more songs stored in the SONGS subdirectory where TextAssist is installed. Double-click on this "Singing Text" icon to launch Texto'LE with all the songs inside. You can use Texto'LE to listen to the song files. (b) The complete list of TextAssist songs are: Greeting: A warm welcome to TextAssist, in song. Demo: A demonstration of the different TextAssist voices. For He's A Jolly Good Fellow: A well known singalong chorus. London Bridge: Children's rhyme about collapsing public structures. Overture: The TextAssist theme song. Are You Sleeping: English version of famous French lullaby. Auld Lang Syne: A song of warm memories come New Year's Eve. Farmer in the Dell: Nursery rhyme on life in the countryside. Drunken Sailor: A sobering message on the undesired effects of excessive alcohol consumption. Hickory Dickory Dock: Yes, it's that mouse in the clock! Jack and Jill: Two children having a misadventure with a pail of water. Mulberry bush: Round and round the bush we go, where we'll end up nobody knows... Eensy Weensy Spider: Anthem for arachnophobics worldwide. Row, Row, Row Your Boat: A favorite with your everyday local sailor. Michael Row The Boat Ashore: Hallelujah! The lyrics for all the songs are stored in the file LYRIC.TXT, found in the same sub-directory as the song files. 2. Texto'LE. During the TextAssist installation, you can choose to associate all text files (*.TXT) with Texto'LE. If you had decided to do so, but wish to disassociate Texto'LE with *.TXT files at a later time, simply do the following: (a) Edit the file TEXTOLE.INI in your Windows directory (b) Under the section [Settings], add this line: [Settings] TXT=0 (c) Run File Manager, and reassociate *.TXT files with Notepad, or any other text editor that you wish. The next time you launch Windows, Texto'LE will no longer attempt to automatically associate itself with *.TXT files. You can re-associate your text files with Texto'LE by removing the "TXT=0" line from TEXTOLE.INI. 3. TextAssist Control Panel. An additional Language submenu is added to the Configure pull-down menu for future foreign language support. Currently, only English is available in the language selection. We plan to release foreign language modules for TextAssist very soon. This will give TextAssist the ability to perform speech playback in a variety of languages. For more information, contact your local software store, or write in to us here at Creative. 4. TextAssist and PC Tools For Windows version 1.0. If you are currently using PC Tools For Windows 1.0, you may notice that the speech is intermittent or interrupted. This is caused by PC Tools' handling of wave output, and not by TextAssist. You may also have noticed that other wave events (such as System sounds) are similarly affected. The latest release of PC Tools For Windows (version 2.0) does not have this problem. Please contact Central Point Software (publishers of PC Tools For Windows) for information on upgrading to version 2.0. *** End of ReadMe! **