/************************************************************************* * * FILE : DMAW32.C ver 1.00 (15 Dec, 94) * * Copyright (C) 1994-96 Creative Technology. * * DMA DEMO PROGRAM FOR PLAYING WAVE FILES IN PROTECTED MODE USING * WATCOM C COMPILER AND DOS4GW DOS EXTENDER. * * PURPOSE : This protected mode program demonstrates how to play a * .WAV file using DMA auto-init mode. * * LIMITATIONS : This program only supports DSP version 3.xx and above * (SBPro or later) * * DISCLAIMER : Although this program has been tested with * standard 8/16 bit PCM WAVE files, there could * exist some unknown bugs. * * COMPILE : wcl386 /l=dos4g dmaw32.c * * THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. * * You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and * distribute the Sample Files (and/or any modified version) in * any way you find useful, provided that you agree that Creative * has no warranty obligations or liability for any Samples Files. * **************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <conio.h> #include <dos.h> #include <i86.h> #include <mem.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <graph.h> typedef unsigned char BYTE; typedef unsigned short WORD; typedef unsigned long DWORD; typedef unsigned char UCHAR; typedef unsigned int UINT; typedef unsigned long ULONG; #define BUFSIZE (8*1024) // two 4 KB DMA Buffers #define MONO 1 #define STEREO 2 #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 #define FAIL 0 #define SUCCESS 1 // ------ Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) ------ #define PIC1MODE 0x20 // for irq 0 - 7 #define PIC1MASK 0x21 #define PIC2MODE 0xA0 // for irq 8 - 15 #define PIC2MASK 0xA1 #define PICEOI 0x20 // End Of Interrupt // ------ DSP Commands ------ #define dspTimeConstant 0x0040 #define dspOutputSampleRate 0x0041 #define dspBlockSize 0x0048 #define dspTurnSpeakerON 0x00D1 #define dspTurnSpeakerOFF 0x00D3 #define dspExitAutoInitDMA16 0x00D9 #define dspExitAutoInitDMA8 0x00DA #define dspGetDSPVersion 0x00E1 // ------ DSP port address offsets ------ #define dspMixerAddr 0x4 // Mixer register select addr #define dspMixerData 0x5 // Mixer data port addr #define dspReset 0x6 // DSP Reset addr #define dspReadData 0xA // DSP Read Data addr #define dspWriteBuf 0xC // DSP Write Buffer addr #define dspDataAvail 0xE // DSP Data Available addr #define dspDMA8Ack 0xE // 8-bit DMA intr. acknowledge #define dspDMA16Ack 0xF // 16-bit DMA intr. acknowledge #define dspReady 0xAA // ------ Mixer Register (common) ------ #define mixMSTRVOL 0x22 #define mixVOCVOL 0x04 #define mixMICVOL 0x0A #define mixOUTFILTER 0x0E // ------ DMA controller registers port addresses ------ #define DMAWRITE 0x54 #define DMAREAD 0x58 #define AUTO_INIT 1 #define SINGLE_CYCLE 0 typedef struct { UCHAR addr, count, page, mask, mode, FF; } dmaportstruct; const dmaportstruct dmaport[8] = { {0x00, 0x01, 0x87, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C}, // chan 0 {0x02, 0x03, 0x83, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C}, // chan 1 {0x04, 0x05, 0x81, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C}, // chan 2 DON'T USE {0x06, 0x07, 0x82, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C}, // chan 3 {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xD4, 0xD6, 0xD8}, // chan 4 DON'T USE {0xC4, 0xC6, 0x8B, 0xD4, 0xD6, 0xD8}, // chan 5 {0xC8, 0xCA, 0x89, 0xD4, 0xD6, 0xD8}, // chan 6 {0xCC, 0xCE, 0x8A, 0xD4, 0xD6, 0xD8} // chan 7 }; // ------ Function Prototypes ------ DWORD AllocateDMABuffer(void); void * DOSMemAlloc(DWORD); void DOSMemFree(WORD); void MemLock(void *, WORD); void MemUnlock(void *, WORD); char ResetDSP(void); char InitDMADSP(); void SetSBProStereo(dmaportstruct *, int, int); void SetMixer(void); void DSPout(UINT); char DSPin(UINT *); void SetISR(void __interrupt __far *); void RestoreISR(void); void interrupt far DMAISR(void); UINT FillBuffer(UCHAR **, ULONG *); void FillPlayBuf(UCHAR *, ULONG); void Play(UINT, char); char GetBlasterEnv(void); int Chk_hdr(FILE *); // ------ Global Variables ------ volatile char DMA_buf_now_playing, Last_buf_played; char DMA_buf_to_fill, End_of_data, DMA_16bit, Mode, HS_mode = FALSE; UINT Intr_num, Intr_mask, Base, IRQ_num, DMA_chan8, DMA_chan16, DSP_ver, Output_filter; UCHAR *DMA_buffer; WORD DMA_buffer_selector; void (__interrupt __far *IntrSave)(void); struct WAVEHDR{ BYTE format[4]; DWORD f_len; BYTE wave_fmt[8]; DWORD fmt_len; WORD fmt_tag; WORD channel; DWORD samples_per_sec; DWORD avg_bytes_per_sec; WORD blk_align; WORD bits_per_sample; BYTE data[4]; DWORD data_len; } wavehdr; // ------ Program starts ------ void main(int argv, char *argc[]) { FILE *fp; UCHAR *data_buf; ULONG bytes_left_in_data_buf; UINT bytes_left_to_play; int temp; if(argv>1) { if ((fp = fopen(argc[1], "rb")) == NULL) { printf("\nError opening file %s -- PROGRAM TERMINATED", argc[1]); exit(0); } } else { printf("\nUsage : DMAW32 wav-file\n"); exit(0); } _clearscreen(_GCLEARSCREEN); printf("\tProtected Mode DMA Demo Program for playing .WAV Files\n"); printf("\t------------------------------------------------------\n"); // ------ Verify WAV format ------ if(Chk_hdr(fp) == FAIL) { printf("Header check error - PROGRAM ABORTED\n"); fclose(fp); exit(0); } Mode = (wavehdr.channel == 1) ? MONO : STEREO; // ------ Allocate memory buffers ------ if( (data_buf = (UCHAR *) malloc((size_t) wavehdr.data_len)) == NULL) { printf("DATABUF malloc error\n"); fclose(fp); exit(0); } if(AllocateDMABuffer() == FAIL) { printf("MALLOC ERROR\n"); fclose(fp); exit(0); } fread(data_buf, wavehdr.data_len, 1, fp); fclose(fp); // ------ Get environment settings & check for validity ------ if(GetBlasterEnv() == FAIL) { printf("BLASTER env. string or parameter(s) missing -- ABORTED!"); MemUnlock((void *) &DMA_buffer, BUFSIZE); DOSMemFree(DMA_buffer_selector); exit(0); } // ------ Reset the DSP ------ if(ResetDSP() == FAIL) { printf("Unable to reset DSP\n"); MemUnlock((void *) &DMA_buffer, BUFSIZE); DOSMemFree(DMA_buffer_selector); exit(0); } printf("\n\nDSP version = %d\n\n",DSP_ver); if((DSP_ver < 4) && (wavehdr.bits_per_sample == 16)) { printf("\n** DSP version %d.xx does not support 16-bit files.\n", DSP_ver); MemUnlock((void *) &DMA_buffer, BUFSIZE); DOSMemFree(DMA_buffer_selector); exit(0); } // ------ Mixer setting & setup new ISR ------ SetMixer(); SetISR(DMAISR); // ------ Initialize DMA & DSP chip ------ if(InitDMADSP() == FAIL) { printf("InitDMADSP() fails - PROGRAM ABORTED!\n"); MemUnlock((void *) &DMA_buffer, BUFSIZE); DOSMemFree(DMA_buffer_selector); exit(0); } // ------ Fill 1st half buffer ------ printf("\nPlaying file >> %s\n",argc[1]); printf("\n Mode = %s\n", (Mode == MONO) ? "MONO" : "STEREO"); printf(" Type = %d-bit samples\n", (UINT) wavehdr.bits_per_sample); printf(" Freq. = %lu Hz\n", (ULONG) wavehdr.samples_per_sec); printf(" Size = %lu Bytes\n", (ULONG) wavehdr.data_len); DMA_buf_to_fill = 0; End_of_data = FALSE; DMA_buf_now_playing = 0; Last_buf_played = FALSE; bytes_left_in_data_buf = wavehdr.data_len; bytes_left_to_play = FillBuffer(&data_buf, &bytes_left_in_data_buf); // ------ Begin playing ------ if(wavehdr.data_len < BUFSIZE/2) { Play(bytes_left_to_play, AUTO_INIT); while(DMA_buf_now_playing == 0) ; } else { Play(bytes_left_to_play, AUTO_INIT); FillPlayBuf(data_buf, bytes_left_in_data_buf); } if(HS_mode == TRUE) // if 8 bit high speed mode is true then reset DSP ResetDSP(); else DSPout((wavehdr.bits_per_sample == 8) ? // Done playing, Halt DMA dspExitAutoInitDMA8 : dspExitAutoInitDMA16); DSPout(dspTurnSpeakerOFF); // Turn OFF speaker if((DSP_ver < 4) && (Mode == STEREO)) // Restore original filter { // setting for SBPro & MONO. outp(dspMixerAddr, mixOUTFILTER); outp(dspMixerData, (int) Output_filter & 0xFD); } // ------ Restore original ISR & do clean up ------ RestoreISR(); MemUnlock((void *) &DMA_buffer, BUFSIZE); DOSMemFree(DMA_buffer_selector); printf("DONE\n"); }// main() // -------------------------------------------------------- // Function : Chk_hdr() // Description : Check for validity of wave file header // -------------------------------------------------------- int Chk_hdr(FILE *fp) { char * dummy[80]; memset(&wavehdr, 0, sizeof(wavehdr)); fread(&wavehdr, 44, 1, fp); if( memcmp(wavehdr.format, "RIFF", 4)) { printf("File is not a valid .WAV file\n"); return (FAIL); } if( memcmp(wavehdr.wave_fmt, "WAVEfmt ", 8)) { printf("File is not a valid .WAV file\n"); return (FAIL); } if( !((wavehdr.channel == 1) || (wavehdr.channel == 2))) { printf("Unknown number of channels -> %d\n", wavehdr.channel); return (FAIL); } if (memcmp(wavehdr.data, "data", 4)) { if (memcmp(wavehdr.data, "fact", 4)) { printf("Unknown file format\n"); return (FAIL); } while(wavehdr.data_len) { fread(dummy, (wavehdr.data_len%80), 1, fp); // Get file type description. wavehdr.data_len -= wavehdr.data_len%80; } fread(wavehdr.data, 8, 1, fp); if (memcmp(wavehdr.data, "data", 4)) { printf("Unknown file format\n"); return (FAIL); } } return (SUCCESS); }//Chk_hdr() // -------------------------------------------------------- // Function : DOSMemAlloc() // Description : Allocate DOS memory // -------------------------------------------------------- void * DOSMemAlloc(DWORD size) { union REGS r; r.x.eax = 0x0100; r.x.ebx = (size + 15) >> 4; int386(0x31, &r, &r); if(r.x.cflag) return ((DWORD) 0); DMA_buffer_selector = r.w.dx; return ((void *) ((r.x.eax & 0xFFFF) << 4)); }//DOSMemAlloc() // -------------------------------------------------------- // Function : DOSMemFree() // Description : Free DOS memory // -------------------------------------------------------- void DOSMemFree(WORD selector) { union REGS r; r.x.eax = 0x0101; r.w.dx = selector; int386(0x31, &r, &r); }//DOSMemFree() // -------------------------------------------------------- // Function : MemLock() // Description : Lock Memory // -------------------------------------------------------- void MemLock(void *mem, WORD size) { union REGS r; r.x.eax = 0x0600; r.w.bx = (FP_OFF(mem) & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16; r.w.cx = FP_OFF(mem) & 0x0000FFFF; r.w.si = 0; r.w.di = size; int386(0x31, &r, &r); }//MemLock() // -------------------------------------------------------- // Function : MemUnlock // Description : Unlock memory region // -------------------------------------------------------- void MemUnlock(void *mem, WORD size) { union REGS r; r.x.eax = 0x0601; r.w.bx = (FP_OFF(mem) & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16; r.w.cx = FP_OFF(mem) & 0x0000FFFF; r.w.si = 0; r.w.di = size; int386(0x31, &r, &r); }//MemUnlock() // -------------------------------------------------------- // Function : AllocateDMABuffer() // Description : Allocate memory for the DMA buffer within // the same memory page // -------------------------------------------------------- DWORD AllocateDMABuffer(void) { union REGS r; UCHAR buffer_allocated = FALSE, done = FALSE; WORD buffer_sel[10]; int i, Index = 0; do { if(! (DMA_buffer = (UCHAR *) DOSMemAlloc(BUFSIZE) ) ) done = TRUE; else { // ------ Save every memory allocation performed ------ buffer_sel[Index] = DMA_buffer_selector; Index++; if(Index == 10) done = TRUE; // ------ Check page crossing ------ if( ((FP_OFF(DMA_buffer) + BUFSIZE+15) & 0xF0000) == (FP_OFF(DMA_buffer) & 0xF0000) ) { buffer_allocated = TRUE; done = TRUE; MemLock((void *) &DMA_buffer, BUFSIZE); } } } while(!done); if (!buffer_allocated) Index++; // ------ Free all memory blocks crossing a page boundary ------ for(i=0; i<Index-1; i++) DOSMemFree(buffer_sel[i]); return ((buffer_allocated) ? SUCCESS : FAIL); }//AllocateDMABuffer() // -------------------------------------------------------- // Function : ResetDSP() // Description : Resets the DSP chip // -------------------------------------------------------- char ResetDSP(void) { UINT val; outp(Base + dspReset, (int) 1); delay(10); outp(Base + dspReset, (int) 0); // ------ Check for correct DSP ready response ------ if(DSPin(&val)) if(val==dspReady) { // ------ Get DSP version ------ DSPout(dspGetDSPVersion); DSPin(&DSP_ver); return(SUCCESS); } return (FAIL); }//ResetDSP() // -------------------------------------------------------- // Function : InitDMADSP() // Description : Uses the WAV header information to program // the DMA and DSP chips. // (Note: The DMA chip is always programmed for // auto-init mode. //--------------------------------------------------------- char InitDMADSP(void) { dmaportstruct dma; int page, offset, temp; // ------ Get DMA setting ------ if(wavehdr.bits_per_sample == 8) { DMA_16bit = FALSE; if(DMA_chan8 != 2) dma = dmaport[DMA_chan8]; else { printf("File is 8 bit -- invalid 8-bit channel"); return (FAIL); } } else { DMA_16bit = TRUE; if((DMA_chan16 >= 5) && (DMA_chan16 <= 7)) dma = dmaport[DMA_chan16]; else { printf("File is 16 bit -- invalid 16-bit channle"); return (FAIL); } DMA_chan16 -= 4; } page = (int) (FP_OFF(DMA_buffer) >> 16); offset = (int) (FP_OFF(DMA_buffer) & 0xFFFF); if((DSP_ver < 4) && (Mode == STEREO)) SetSBProStereo(&dma, page, offset); if(wavehdr.bits_per_sample == 8) // Program 8 bit DMA controller { outp(dma.mask, (int) (DMA_chan8 | 4)); // disable DMA outp(dma.FF, (int) 0); // clear flip-flop outp(dma.mode, (int) (DMA_chan8 | 0x58)); // 8 bit auto-init outp(dma.count, (int) ((BUFSIZE - 1) & 0xFF)); // LO byte of count outp(dma.count, (int) ((BUFSIZE - 1) >> 8)); // HI byte of count } else // Program 16 bit DMA controller { // Offset for 16-bit DMA channel must be calculated differently... // Shift Offset 1 bit right, then copy LSB of Page to MSB of Offset. temp = page & 0x0001; temp <<= 15; offset >>= 1; offset &= 0x7FFF; offset |= temp; outp(dma.mask, (int) (DMA_chan16 | 4)); // disable DMA outp(dma.FF, (int) 0); // clear flip-flop outp(dma.mode, (int) (DMA_chan16 | 0x58)); // 16 bit auto-init outp(dma.count, (int) ((BUFSIZE/2 - 1) & 0xFF));// LO byte of count outp(dma.count, (int) ((BUFSIZE/2 - 1) >> 8)); // HI byte of count } outp(dma.page, page); // Physical page number outp(dma.addr, (int) (offset & 0xFF)); // LO byte address of buffer outp(dma.addr, (int) (offset >> 8)); // HI byte address of buffer // ------ DONE programming DMA, enable it ------ if(wavehdr.bits_per_sample == 8) outp(dma.mask, DMA_chan8); else outp(dma.mask, DMA_chan16); if(DSP_ver < 4) { // Set transfer time constant (HI-byte only) DSPout((UINT) dspTimeConstant); DSPout((UINT) (256 - 1000000/(Mode*wavehdr.samples_per_sec))); } DSPout(dspTurnSpeakerON); // Turn ON speaker before doing D/A conv. return (SUCCESS); }// InitDMADSP() // -------------------------------------------------------- // Function : SetSBProStereo() // Description : Set up SBPro hardware for stereo output. // Send a silent byte to the DSP. // -------------------------------------------------------- void SetSBProStereo(dmaportstruct *dma, int page, int offset) { outp(dspMixerAddr, mixOUTFILTER); Output_filter = (UINT) inp(dspMixerData); outp(dspMixerData, (int) Output_filter | 0x02); outp(dma->mask, (int) (DMA_chan8 | 4)); // disable DMA outp(dma->FF, (int) 0); // clear flip-flop outp(dma->mode, (int) (DMA_chan8 | 0x48)); // 8 bit single cycle outp(dma->count, (int) 1); // LO byte of count outp(dma->count, (int) 0); // HI byte of count outp(dma->page, page); // Physical page number outp(dma->addr, (int) (offset & 0xFF)); // LO byte address of buffer outp(dma->addr, (int) (offset >> 8)); // HI byte address of buffer outp(dma->mask, DMA_chan8); // end DMA programming DMA_buf_now_playing = 0; *DMA_buffer = 0x80; DSPout(0x0014); // DSP output one silent byte DSPout(0); DSPout(0); while(DMA_buf_now_playing == 0) ; outp(dspMixerData, (int) Output_filter | 0x22); // set filter OFF & STEREO } // -------------------------------------------------------- // Function : SetMixer() // Description : Set microphone volume to zero and voice // output to maximum. // -------------------------------------------------------- void SetMixer(void) { outp(Base + dspMixerAddr, (int) mixMICVOL); outp(Base + dspMixerData, (int) 0x00); outp(Base + dspMixerAddr, (int) mixVOCVOL); outp(Base + dspMixerData, (int) 0xFF); }//SetMixer() // -------------------------------------------------------- // Function : Play() // Description : Setup the playback depending on the number // of bits per sample, MONO/STEREO & DMAMode // -------------------------------------------------------- void Play(UINT bytes_left, char dma_mode) { // ------ If BytesLeftToPlay is 1 or 0, make sure when DSPout() // ------ if called, the count does not wrap around when 1 sample // ------ is subtracted ! ------ if(bytes_left <= 1 && DMA_16bit) bytes_left = 2; else if (bytes_left == 0 && !DMA_16bit) bytes_left = 1; if(DSP_ver < 4) // SBPro (DSP ver 3.xx) { if (dma_mode == AUTO_INIT) { DSPout(dspBlockSize); DSPout((int) ((bytes_left - 1) & 0x00FF)); DSPout((int) ((bytes_left - 1) >> 8)); // ------ set Normal/High-Speed 8 bit Auto-init ------ if((Mode == STEREO) || (wavehdr.samples_per_sec >= 23000)) { HS_mode = TRUE; DSPout(0x0090); } else DSPout(0x001C); } else { // ------ set Normal/High-Speed 8 bit Single-cycle ------ if((Mode == STEREO) || (wavehdr.samples_per_sec >= 23000)) { HS_mode = TRUE; DSPout(0x0091); } else DSPout(0x0014); DSPout((bytes_left - 1) & 0x00FF); // LO byte size DSPout((bytes_left - 1) >> 8); // HI byte size } } else if(DSP_ver == 4)// SB16 (DSP ver 4.xx) { DSPout(dspOutputSampleRate); // DSP output transfer rate DSPout((int) ((wavehdr.samples_per_sec & 0x0000FF00) >> 8));// HI byte DSPout((int) (wavehdr.samples_per_sec & 0x000000FF)); // LO byte if(dma_mode == AUTO_INIT) // Auto-init 8/16 bit DSPout((wavehdr.bits_per_sample == 8) ? 0x00C6 : 0x00B6); else // Single-cycle 8/16 bit DSPout((wavehdr.bits_per_sample == 8) ? 0x00C0 : 0x00B0); if(wavehdr.bits_per_sample == 8) DSPout((Mode == MONO) ? 0x0000 : 0x0020); // 8 bit MONO/STEREO else DSPout((Mode == MONO) ? 0x0010 : 0x0030); // 16 bit MONO/STEREO // ------ Program number of samples to play ------ DSPout((int) ((bytes_left/(wavehdr.bits_per_sample/8) - 1) & 0x00FF)); DSPout((int) ((bytes_left/(wavehdr.bits_per_sample/8) - 1) >> 8)); } return; }// Play() // -------------------------------------------------------- // Function : FillBuffer() // Description : Fill each half of the DMA buffer // -------------------------------------------------------- UINT FillBuffer(UCHAR **buffer, ULONG *bytes_left) { UINT count; UCHAR *bufptr; // ------ Set the pointer to the desired buffer to fill ------ bufptr = DMA_buffer + ((DMA_buf_to_fill == 0) ? 0 : BUFSIZE/2); if(*bytes_left < BUFSIZE/2) { // fill last block of data and set EndOfData memcpy(bufptr, *buffer, *bytes_left); if(HS_mode) { bufptr += *bytes_left; memset(bufptr, 0x80, BUFSIZE/2 - *bytes_left); count = BUFSIZE/2; if(DMA_buf_to_fill == 1) End_of_data = TRUE; } else { count = *bytes_left; End_of_data = TRUE; } *bytes_left = 0; } else { // fill data block into buffer memcpy(bufptr, *buffer, BUFSIZE/2); count = BUFSIZE/2; *buffer += BUFSIZE/2; *bytes_left -= BUFSIZE/2; } DMA_buf_to_fill ^= 1; // Toggle to fill other half of buffer next time return (count); }// FillBuffer() // -------------------------------------------------------- // Function : FillPlayBuf() // Description : Keeps the DMA buffer filled with new data // until end of data // -------------------------------------------------------- void FillPlayBuf(UCHAR *buffer, ULONG bytes_left) { UINT bytes_in_buffer; do { // Wait for buffer to finish play while( DMA_buf_to_fill == DMA_buf_now_playing) ; bytes_in_buffer = FillBuffer(&buffer, &bytes_left); if(!HS_mode && (bytes_in_buffer < BUFSIZE/2)) Play(bytes_in_buffer, SINGLE_CYCLE); } while (!End_of_data) ; // End_of_data set in FillBuffer() while(Last_buf_played == FALSE) ; // Wait until done playing return; }// FillPlayBuf() // -------------------------------------------------------- // Function : GetBlasterEnv() // Description : Get the BLASTER environment variable for // the I/O port address, DMA channels and // IRQ nubmer. // -------------------------------------------------------- char GetBlasterEnv(void) { char buffer[5], dma_chan_found = FALSE, io_port_found = FALSE, irq_found = FALSE, *env_string, save_char; int digit, i, multiplier; env_string = getenv("BLASTER"); if (env_string == NULL) return(FAIL); do { switch(*env_string) { case 'A': // I/O base port address found case 'a': env_string++; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) // Grab the digits { buffer[i] = *env_string; env_string++; } // The string is in HEX, convert it to decimal multiplier = 1; Base = 0; for (i -= 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Convert to HEX if (buffer[i] >= '0' && buffer[i] <= '9') digit = buffer[i] - '0'; else if (buffer[i] >= 'A' && buffer[i] <= 'F') digit = buffer[i] - 'A' + 10; else if (buffer[i] >= 'a' && buffer[i] <= 'f') digit = buffer[i] - 'a' + 10; Base = Base + digit * multiplier; multiplier *= 16; } io_port_found = TRUE; break; case 'D': // 8-bit DMA channel case 'd': case 'H': // 16-bit DMA channel case 'h': save_char = *env_string; env_string++; buffer[0] = *env_string; env_string++; if (*env_string >= '0' && *env_string <= '9') { buffer[1] = *env_string; // DMA Channel No. is 2 digits buffer[2] = NULL; env_string++; } else buffer[1] = NULL; // DMA Channel No. is 1 digit if (save_char == 'D' || save_char == 'd') DMA_chan8 = atoi(buffer); // 8-Bit DMA channel else DMA_chan16 = atoi(buffer); // 16-bit DMA channel dma_chan_found = TRUE; break; case 'I': // IRQ number case 'i': env_string++; buffer[0] = *env_string; env_string++; if (*env_string >= '0' && *env_string <= '9') { buffer[1] = *env_string; // IRQ No. is 2 digits buffer[2] = NULL; env_string++; } else buffer[1] = NULL; // IRQ No. is 1 digit IRQ_num = atoi(buffer); irq_found = TRUE; break; default: env_string++; break; } } while (*env_string != NULL); if (!dma_chan_found || !io_port_found || !irq_found) return(FAIL); return(SUCCESS); }//GetBlasterEnv // -------------------------------------------------------- // Function : DSPout() // Description : Writes the value out to the DSP chip. // -------------------------------------------------------- void DSPout(UINT val) { while( inp(Base + dspWriteBuf) & 0x80); // wait for DSP ready outp(Base + dspWriteBuf, val); // write data }//DSPout() // -------------------------------------------------------- // Function : DSPin() // Description : Reads the value from the DSP chip // -------------------------------------------------------- char DSPin(UINT *val) { while( !(inp(Base + dspDataAvail) & 0x80)); // wait for available *val = inp(Base + dspReadData); // data return (SUCCESS); }//DSPin() // -------------------------------------------------------- // Function : SetISR() // Description : Save the original interrupt and replace // with the new ISR // -------------------------------------------------------- void SetISR(void (__interrupt __far *new_vect)()) { union REGS r; struct SREGS sr; Intr_num = (IRQ_num < 8) ? (IRQ_num + 8) : (IRQ_num - 8 + 0x70); Intr_mask = 1 << IRQ_num; r.x.eax = 0x3500; r.h.al = Intr_num & 0xFF; sr.ds = sr.es = 0; int386x(0x21, &r, &r, &sr); IntrSave = MK_FP(sr.es, r.x.ebx); r.x.eax = 0x2500; r.h.al = Intr_num & 0xFF; r.x.edx = FP_OFF(new_vect); sr.ds = FP_SEG(new_vect); sr.es = 0; int386x(0x21, &r, &r, &sr); outp(PIC1MASK, inp(PIC1MASK) & ~Intr_mask); outp(PIC2MASK, inp(PIC2MASK) & ~(Intr_mask >> 8)); }//SetISR() // -------------------------------------------------------- // Function : RestoreISR() // Description : Restores the saved original ISR // -------------------------------------------------------- void RestoreISR(void) { union REGS r; struct SREGS sr; outp(PIC1MASK, inp(PIC1MASK) | Intr_mask); outp(PIC2MASK, inp(PIC2MASK) | (Intr_mask >> 8)); r.x.eax = 0x2500; r.h.al = Intr_num & 0xFF; r.x.edx = FP_OFF(IntrSave); sr.ds = FP_SEG(IntrSave); sr.es = 0; int386x(0x21, &r, &r, &sr); }//RestoreISR() // -------------------------------------------------------- // Function : DMAISR() // Description : The interrupt service routine which is // invoked every time the DSP chip completes // playing half of the DMA buffer. // -------------------------------------------------------- void __interrupt __far DMAISR(void) { static char second_last_buffer_played = FALSE; int IntStatus; if (DMA_16bit) { // Check for correct interrupt status outp(Base + dspMixerAddr, 0x82); // selects intr. reg. in mixer IntStatus = inp(Base + dspMixerData); if (IntStatus & 2) inp(Base + dspDMA16Ack); // Acknowledge interrupt (16-bit) } else inp(Base + dspDMA8Ack); // Acknowledge interrupt (8-bit) if(IRQ_num > 8) // End of interrupt outp(PIC2MODE, PICEOI); outp(PIC1MODE, PICEOI); DMA_buf_now_playing ^= 1; // Toggle for next buffer to play if(second_last_buffer_played) Last_buf_played = TRUE; if(End_of_data) second_last_buffer_played = TRUE; return; }//DMAISR()