SOUND BLASTER 2.0 LATEST INFORMATION ==================================== This file contains information that is not available during the printing of the manual. Please read all the sections before you proceed with any installation procedure . This file contains the following sections: 1. Software Package Listing 2. Removal Of Microsoft Windows 3.0 Support 3. MMJBOX Windows application 4. Maximum Sampling Rates For Packed Voice Files 1. SOFTWARE PACKAGE LISTING With the use of a new compression scheme, this software package contains 3 pieces of 5 1/4 inch (360KB) disks or 2 pieces of 3 1/2 inch (720KB) disk or both. Files contained in the distribution disks. INST-HD.EXE - Hard disk installation program INSTALL.00* - Installation data files DISK.ID - Disk identification file README.COM - Program to display the README.TXT file README.TXT - This file TEST-SBC.EXE - Sound Blaster 2.0 card test program Files that will be installed to your hard disk. In the \SB sub-directory: README.COM - Program to display the README.TXT file README.TXT - This file TEST-SBC.EXE - Sound Blaster 2.0 card test program INST-DRV.EXE - Program to reinstall drivers settings SET-ENV.EXE - To set the BLASTER environment variable in AUTOEXEC.BAT SBFMDRV.COM - Resident driver for FM music FMORGAN.BAT - Batch file to run FMORGAN VOXKIT.BAT - Batch file to run VOXKIT PARROT.BAT - Batch file to run the Talking Parrot SBAITSO2.BAT - Batch file to run Dr. Sbaitso SBTALK.BAT - Batch file to install SBTALKER into memory REMOVE.BAT - Batch file to remove SBTALKER from memory In the \SB\DRV sub-directory: CT-VOICE.DRV - Loadable driver for voice memory version CTVDSK.DRV - Loadable driver for voice disk version ORGAN.DRV - FM Intelligent Organ driver In \SB\FMORGAN sub-directory: FMORGAN.EXE - FM Intelligent Organ program *.ORG - Sample organ files In \SB\PLAYCMF sub-directory: PLAYCMF.EXE - CMF music file player *.CMF - CMF music files In the \SB\VOXKIT sub-directory : VOXKIT.EXE - Voice-kit program JOINTVOC.EXE - Program to join voice files VOC-HDR.EXE - Program to add a header to raw voice files VREC.EXE - Program to record voice into a file VPLAY.EXE - Program to play a voice file VSR.EXE - Program to change sampling rate FROGS.VOC - Sample voice file TV4.VOC - Sample voice file In the \SB\PARROT directory : VOICE.DRV - Talking Parrot voice driver PARROT.EXE - Talking Parrot program MAKEPV.EXE - Program to make Talking Parrot voices PARROTV.VCB - Talking Parrot voices PARROT.E? - Talking Parrot EGA picture files PARROT.C? - Talking Parrot CGA picture files In the \SB\WIN31 directory : MMJBOX.EXE - MultiMedia Jukebox (.MID player) In the \SB\PLAYMIDI directory : *.MID - Sample MIDI files In the \SB\SBTALKER directory : BLASTER.DRV - Text-to-Speech driver SBAITSO2.EXE - Dr. Sbaitso program SBTALKER.EXE - Memory-resident program to load BLASTER.DRV SBTALK.BAT - Batch file to install SBTALKER into memory REMOVE.EXE - Program to remove SBTALKER from memory READ.EXE - ASCII text reader program SBTEST.TXT - Sample ASCII text file SET-ECHO.EXE - Program to set the echo effect for SBTALKER In the \SB\TDEMO directory : TDEMO.COM - Tetra Compositor TDEMO.EGA - demonstration DEMOSONG.NST - program 2. REMOVAL OF MICROSOFT WINDOWS 3.0 SUPPORT With the release of applications and drivers for Microsoft Windows 3.1, we removed the Windows 3.0 software on the disk. Therefore, please ignore the chapter " Working with Windows ", which documents Windows 3.0 software, in the User Reference Manual. 3. MMJBOX WINDOWS APPLICATION A program MMJBOX.EXE is included the \SB\WIN31 sub-directory. This program requires Microsoft Windows to run. For its documentation, please refer to the section which describes "JUKEBOX" in the User Reference Manuel. 4. MAXIMUM SAMPLING RATES FOR PACKED VOICE FILES Sound Blaster 2.0 implements some compression schemes for voice files. These allow space-savings of 2, 3 or 4 times, depending on the scheme used (2:1, 3:1 or 4:1 compression, respectively). This diversity in compression schemes results in different maximum sampling rates for each scheme. The valid sampling rates are as follows: 8-bit (uncompressed) 4 KHz - 44.1 KHz 2:1 compression 4 KHz - 12 KHz 3:1 compression 4 KHz - 13 KHz 4:1 compression 4 KHz - 11 KHz As a result of these limits, you cannot pack voice files that have sampling rates outside these bounds. Attempting to do so will cause the VOXKIT program to generate a "file cannot be packed" error. ********* End of README *********