HOW TO USE THE AUDIOTRIX PRO MPU-401 INTERFACE ============================================== - Introduction - Connecting the Audiotrix Pro to your external MIDI device - Choosing an I/O port and an IRQ for the MPU-401 interface (Configuring SETUPPRO.EXE) - Using SETMPU.EXE - Configuring the Audiotrix Pro for a DOS-based sequencing environment - Configuring the Audiotrix Pro for a Windows-based sequencing environment - Configuring the Audiotrix Pro for a Windows 95-based sequencing environment - Configuring the Audiotrix Pro for a DOS-based gaming environment - Frequently Asked Questions - How to reach Mediatrix technical support ============ Introduction ============ The MPU-401 interface of the Audiotrix Pro is key to the Audiotrix Pro's excellent DOS game compatibility and to its ability to easily interface with external MIDI instruments. Whereas many other sound boards require you to install a proprietary Windows driver to enable the sound card MIDI input and output, the Audiotrix Pro's MPU-401 interface behaves exactly like a Roland MPU-IPC adapter (although only able to act in the non-intelligent mode). The following text explains in detail how to configure the Audiotrix Pro MPU-401 interface for both DOS-based and Windows-based sequencing environments. Further on, it explains how the MPU-401 interface can be used under DOS games offering General MIDI music. ========================================================= Connecting the Audiotrix Pro to your external MIDI device ========================================================= On the back of the Audiotrix Pro you will find a DB-15 connector which normally acts as a Joystick Port. Attaching the supplied Audiotrix Pro MIDI/Joystick cable to the DB-15 port will provide your system with a MIDI in and a MIDI out which can be used to connect external MIDI devices to your computer. The steps for connecting the Audiotrix Pro to your external MIDI device using the Audiotrix Pro MIDI/Joystick cable are the following: 1. Make sure that the joystick-type selector jumpers on the Audiotrix Pro are set to the "single joystick/MIDI" option, as shown on page 14 of the Audiotrix Pro User's Manual. Please note that if you bought the Audiotrix Pro with the MIDI cable included in the box, the jumpers should already be in the "single joystick/MIDI" setting. 2. If you have a joystick attached to the Audiotrix Pro MIDI/ Joystick port, please temporarily remove it and attach the Audiotrix Pro MIDI/Joystick cable. 3. Connect the Audiotrix Pro MIDI/Joystick cable wire labeled as "OUT" to the "IN" jack of your MIDI device. 4. Connect the Audiotrix Pro MIDI/Joystick cable wire labeled as "IN" to the "OUT" jack of your MIDI device. 5. Re-connect your joystick to the Audiotrix Pro MIDI/Joystick cable DB-15 connector. Now you are ready to configure the Audiotrix Pro MPU-401. ========================================================= Choosing an I/O port and an IRQ for the MPU-401 interface ========================================================= To use an external MIDI device, you must first configure the Audiotrix Pro MPU-401 interface within DOS. To perform the configuration, run the SETUPPRO.EXE Audiotrix Pro configuration program from the \TRXPRO directory. Once in SETUPPRO, use the Tab key to change fields until you reach the MPU-401 Interrupt field. You must then select an interrupt which will be used to process the messages to/from the external MIDI device. Usually, interrupts are only needed when recording MIDI events or when using the Windows MPU-401 driver. MIDI playback through the MPU-401 MIDI interface (playing games) does not need to be interrupt driven, but DOS-based MIDI recording requires an interrupt. Usually IRQ 5 is the best IRQ to devote to MPU-401 recording and playback, however, IRQ 9 is also known to be very good. Keep in mind that in this situation, 16-bit digital audio wave playback should be moved to IRQ10 or 11, because IRQ7 is usually devoted to the Sound Blaster interface. You must also select the address of the MPU-401 interface. The default address of 330 is the only address which is common between SETUPPRO and the Windows "Roland MPU-401" driver (I/O port 330 is widely recognized as the established standard I/O port of the Roland MPU-401 and all other MPU-401 compatible MIDI interfaces). Some SCSI adapters (i.e. Adaptec 1542) are factory defaulted to I/O 330, which conflicts with the MPU-401 MIDI port. If you have a conflict and you want to use the MPU-401, change the address of your SCSI adapter. Once you finish configuring the MPU-401 settings, press and save the settings as the default startup settings. ================ Using SETMPU.EXE ================ The ability to disconnect the OPL4 General MIDI synthesizer found on the Audiotrix Pro from its onboard MPU-401 MIDI interface is one of the most important feature which sets the Audiotrix Pro apart from other MPU-401 compatible soundcards. Think of the Audiotrix Pro as a "Virtual MIDI jack". The SETMPU.EXE utility controls the state of the Audiotrix Pro MPU-401 OPL4 MIDI Interpretation process. A brief explanation and understanding of the behavior of the MPU-401 side of the Audiotrix Pro is necessary to appreciate the benifits related to the flexibility of the Audiotrix Pro's MPU-401 interface. The status of the MPU-401 interface of the Audiotrix Pro can be viewed by running the SETMPU.EXE DOS utility from the \TRXPRO sub-directory without any command line parameters. After doing so, you should get a display which looks like the following: Audiotrix Pro MPU-401 Setup, V 1.XX Copyright (C) 1994, Mediatrix Inc. All Rights Reserved. MPU-401 Interface V 1.XX USE: SETMPU /T /M /T[0|1] = MPU-401 Mode Select, * 0 = General MIDI Mode 1 = MT-32 Mode /M[0123] = MPU-401 Switch State, 0 = MIDI-In --> OPL4 * 1 = MIDI-In --> MPU-401 In 2 = MPU-401 Out --> MIDI Out * 3 = MPU-401 Out --> OPL4 An asterix next to numbers 0,1,2,3 on this picture represent the SETMPU flags and switches which are active. The following is a description of the command line parameters to the SETMPU.EXE DOS utility: /T[0|1] = MPU-401 Mode Select This parameter is used to select the mode in which the MPU-401 will play. You can use only one setting or the other. 0 = General MIDI Mode This is the default state of the MPU-401 interface. In this condition, the MPU-401 will play using the standard General MIDI instrument patch map. 1 = MT-32 Mode This option sets the MPU-401 to use the Roland MT-32 instrument patch map. This mode is currently in development and will be available soon. Example: SETMPU /T1 = Use MT-32 Mode /M[0123] = MPU-401 Switch State This parameter allows you to select the MIDI-IN and the MPU-401 OUT for MIDI devices. When using this parameter, you may specify any or all of the choices available. 0 = MIDI-In --> OPL4 * 1 = MIDI-In --> MPU-401 In (Default MIDI-IN) 2 = MPU-401 Out --> MIDI Out * 3 = MPU-401 Out --> OPL4 (Default MPU-401 OUT) Examples: SETMPU /M13 MIDI-In = MPU-401 In MPU-401 Out = OPL4 SETMPU /M0123 MIDI-In = OPL4 & MPU-401 In MPU-401 Out = MIDI Out & OPL4 The following is a more in-depth description of the behavior of the SETMPU switches: 0 = MIDI-In --> OPL4: This option allows you to direct all input from an external MIDI device to the OPL4. If this option is set, an external device sending commands to the MIDI In jack on the Audiotrix Pro will make the OPL4 produce the appropriate sound. Using this option by itself (ie: SETMPU /M0) is particularly useful if you have another MPU-401 interface in your computer and want to be able to use the OPL4 from an external MIDI device but do not want commands to be echoed to the MIDI-IN port. 1 = MIDI-In --> MPU-401 In: This option allows you to receive input from an external MIDI device. By enabling this option, a software application will be able to capture the data coming through the PC MPU-401 MIDI port and save it. If this option is not set, however, you will not be able to record any command received on the MIDI In connector with the computer. 2 = MPU-401 Out --> MIDI Out: This option allows commands sent to the Audiotrix Pro MPU-401 interface to be sent to an external MIDI device. This option, if in use with option 1, (i.e., option 0 and 3 not enabled) will make the Audiotrix Pro act as a plain MPU-401 interface. This setup is very useful with Windows sequencers when you want the sequencer to let the Windows driver talk to the OPL4, and keep the use of the Roland MPU-401 driver for other external MIDI devices. 3 = MPU-401 Out --> OPL4: This option allows commands sent to the Audiotrix Pro MPU-401 interface to be sent to the OPL4, therefore making the OPL4 produce a sound. Unless this option is set, MPU-401-based MIDI playback will not make the OPL4 produce a sound. This option is useful when you want to send data to external MIDI devices without having the OPL4 respond to the data. This option is absolutely necessary for DOS games if you want the Audiotrix Pro to emit sounds when the software is configured for General MIDI). If this option is not enabled, the OPL4 synthesizer will only produce sounds if the software is talking directly to it (the DOS JukePro, PlayMIDI and the OPL4 Windows Driver are typical examples). WARNING: The OPL4 synthesizer of the Audiotrix Pro will accept MPU-401 commands and direct commands at the same time. This situation should be avoided since the results can be unpredictable (like completely distorted sound). Example: When using any sequencer with the Roland MPU-401 Windows Driver selected as the output device, make sure that NO commands sent to the MPU-401 interface are echoed to the OPL4 by setting the MPU-401 interface with options 1 and 2 only (/M12 switch). ==================================================================== Configuring the Audiotrix Pro for a DOS-based sequencing environment ==================================================================== ------------------------------ Command to use: SETMPU /M0123 ------------------------------ The Audiotrix Pro is one of the few sound cards supporting a DOS-based sequencing environment. Under such a restrained environment, with the Audiotrix Pro, you are limited to MPU-401 playback of General MIDI. Under Windows, you are able to select the MPU-401 as the output device, along with any of the Multimedia MIDI Windows Drivers, such as the Audiotrix Pro Direct OPL4 Windows Driver. This frees up the MPU-401 to allow output to external MIDI devices without the OPL4 playing a sound. Usually, in a DOS sequencing environment, what you want to do is to have the Audiotrix OPL4 synthesizer respond to the MPU-401 commands sent out by your sequencing software. You also want to have the Audiotrix Pro OPL4 Synthesizer play music when responding to incoming MIDI data coming from MPU-401-IN port. To configure the Audiotrix Pro MPU-401 interface using the SETMPU.EXE utility (supplied with the Audiotrix Pro setup disk) 1. Make sure there is no incoming MIDI data being fed to the Audiotrix Pro MPU-401 interface (SETMPU cannot configure the MPU-401 interface when the MPU-401 interface receives data) To be certain, shut off whatever external MIDI unit connected to the Audiotrix Pro. Notice: Many keyboards continually send Status Check or "Presence" data bytes, so keep the MIDI unit turned off while running SETMPU.EXE) 2. Run SETMPU.EXE with the /M0123 command so that all MPU-401 switches are active. This is the recommended setting for a DOS-based sequencing environment. ======================================================================== Configuring the Audiotrix Pro for a Windows-based sequencing environment ======================================================================== ---------------------------- Command to use: SETMPU /M12 ---------------------------- The Audiotrix Pro is ideally suited for a Windows-based sequencing environment. Because the Audiotrix Pro MIDI port is compatible with the Roland MPU-401 adapter, it can be used seamlessly to access an external MIDI. In a dual configuration of the Audiotrix Pro Windows OPL4 MIDI Synthesizer driver and Roland MPU-401, up to 16 other extra MIDI channels are available to communicate with external MIDI devices. With more recent sequencers, it is not necessary to create a MIDI mapper environemnt, as the sequencing software will do this for you. In fact, configuring the Audiotrix Pro in a Windows sequencing environment can be done in two different manners, through the standard Microsoft Windows MIDI mapper or through the internal mapper of the sequencing environment. To configure the Audiotrix Pro for a Windows-based sequencing environment 1. Make sure there is no incoming MIDI data being fed to the Audiotrix Pro MPU-401 interface. (SETMPU cannot configure the MPU-401 interface when the MPU-401 interface receives data.) To be certain, shut off whatever external MIDI unit connected to the Audiotrix Pro. Notice: many keyboards continually send Status Check or "Presence" data bytes, so keep the MIDI unit turned off while running SETMPU.EXE) 2. Before starting Windows, run the SETMPU.EXE utility with switches /M12 (this makes the Audiotrix Pro MPU-401 interface behave as if it was not connected to the OPL4 synthesizer). This is the recommended setting for a Windows-based sequencing environment. Unless you establish some kind of a connection between the sequencer software and the OPL4 Windows driver, no wavetable sound will come out of the Audiotrix Pro. Using switches /M12 assures you that you will not end up in a situation where both the Audiotrix Pro OPL4 MIDI synthesizer and the external MIDI unit play the same data concurrently. You might also want to put the SETMPU.EXE command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT. The only warning is that before playing any game, you will need to set the MPU-401 interface to mode /M3 in order to have OPL4-based MPU-401 MIDI playback. 3. After starting Windows, check to see if the Windows Roland MPU-401 MIDI driver is loaded the Control Panel. If the "Roland MPU-401" is already listed, see below. If it is not shown, select "Add". A list of available drivers will appear and you will have a choice called "Roland MPU-401". Select this choice and click on "OK" to install it. You might need your original Windows diskettes to do this and if so, Windows will tell you which disk it requires. You must then configure or setup the driver. In the configuration screen for the "Roland MPU-401 driver", you must select the same values as you chose in SETUPPRO for the MPU-401 (Port 330, Interrupt 5). 4. Now you need to make a choice: If you are using an old version of a Windows-based MIDI sequencer, for example applications that have no MIDI mapping functions like the Audiotrix Pro JukeBox, you will probably have to use the Windows MIDI Mapper. Most recent sequencers (Cakewalk 3.0 and up, Cubase 2.5 and up) are good examples, however, they have their own internal MIDI mapper, you will probably not need to go this far. =========================================================================== Configuring the Audiotrix Pro for a Windows 95-based sequencing environment =========================================================================== ---------------------------- Command to use: SETMPU /M12 ---------------------------- The Audiotrix Pro is ideally suited for a Windows 95-based sequencing environment. Because the Audiotrix Pro MIDI port is compatible with the Roland MPU-401 adapter, it can be used seamlessly to access an external MIDI. In a dual configuration of the Audiotrix Pro Windows 95 OPL4 MIDI Synthesizer driver and Roland MPU-401, up to 16 other extra MIDI channels are available to communicate with external MIDI devices. With more recent sequencers, it is not necessary to create a MIDI mapper environemnt, as the sequencing software will do this for you. In fact, configuring the Audiotrix Pro in a Windows 95 sequencing environment can be done in two different manners, through the standard Microsoft Windows 95 MIDI mapper or through the internal mapper of the sequencing environment. To configure the Audiotrix Pro for a Windows 95-based sequencing environment 1. Make sure there is no incoming MIDI data being fed to the Audiotrix Pro MPU-401 interface. (SETMPU cannot configure the MPU-401 interface when the MPU-401 interface receives data.) To be certain, shut off whatever external MIDI unit connected to the Audiotrix Pro. Notice: many keyboards continually send Status Check or "Presence" data bytes, so keep the MIDI unit turned off while running SETMPU.EXE) 2. Before starting Windows 95, run the SETMPU.EXE utility with switches /M12 (this makes the Audiotrix Pro MPU-401 interface behave as if it was not connected to the OPL4 synthesizer). This is the recommended setting for a Windows 95-based sequencing environment. Unless you establish some kind of a connection between the sequencer software and the OPL4 Windows 95 driver, no wavetable sound will come out of the Audiotrix Pro. Using switches /M12 assures you that you will not end up in a situation where both the Audiotrix Pro OPL4 MIDI synthesizer and the external MIDI unit play the same data concurrently. You might also want to put the SETMPU.EXE command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT. The only warning is that before playing any game, you will need to set the MPU-401 interface to mode /M3 in order to have OPL4-based MPU-401 MIDI playback. 3. After starting Windows 95, check to see if the Windows 95 "MPU-401 Compatible" MIDI driver is loaded the Device Manager. If the driver is already installed, make sure the configuration matches the SETUPPRO settings for the MPU-401. If it is not shown, select exit the Device Manager, and go in the "Add New Hardware" Wizard. Follow these steps in the "Add New Hardware" Wizard: Step 1: After viewing the first screen, click "Next" to continue Step 2: Indicate you DO NOT want Windows 95 to search for your new hardware and select "Next" to continue. Step 3: Select "Sound, video and game controllers" as the hardware type you want to install then select "Next" to continue. Step 4: You are now at the manufacturer selection screen. Select "Microsoft" as the manufacturer, and you will be presented with a list of possible drivers. Select "MPU-401 Compatible" click "OK". Step 5: Select "Audiotrix Pro Sound Card" and click "OK". Step 6: You will then see the configuration of the card. Click "Next" to continue. If you do not see the configuration and you would like to, select "Details". Windows 95 will then copy the files required to use the driver. Step 7: Select "Finish" to complete the installation procedure and restart your computer. After restarting Windows 95, go in the Device Manager and reconfigure the driver. In the configuration screen for the "MPU-401 Compatible" driver, you must select the same values as you chose in SETUPPRO for the MPU-401 (Port 330, Interrupt 5). 4. Now you need to make a choice: If you are using an old version of a Windows-based MIDI sequencer, for example applications that have no MIDI mapping functions like the Audiotrix Pro JukeBox, you will probably have to use the Windows 95 MIDI Mapper. Most recent sequencers (Cakewalk 3.0 and up, Cubase 2.5 and up) are good examples, however, they have their own internal MIDI mapper, you will probably not need to go this far. ================================================================ Configuring the Audiotrix Pro for a DOS-based gaming environment ================================================================ -------------------------- Command to use: SETMPU /M3 -------------------------- Under a DOS gaming environment, only switch 3 is necessary because here we are only considering playback of General MIDI music. (i.e.:, there is no need to consider capturing MIDI data with the computer). In other words, what is desired is that whatever the game software wants to send to the MPU-401 MIDI port gets interpreted and played by the OPL4. 1. Make sure there is no incoming MIDI data being fed to the Audiotrix Pro MPU-401 interface (SETMPU cannot configure the MPU-401 interface when the MPU-401 interface receives data) To be certain, shut off wathever external MIDI unit connected to the Audiotrix Pro. Notice: many keyboards continually send Status Check or "Presence" data bytes, so keep the MIDI unit turned off while running SETMPU.EXE) 2. Run SETMPU.EXE with the /M3 command. This is the recommended setting for a DOS-based gaming environment) ========================== Frequently asked questions ========================== Here are a few problems you might encounter with SETMPU, or with the Audiotrix Pro MPU-401 interface in general. Q: SETMPU gives me the following message: "Audiotrix Pro MPU-401 interface not responding" A: This message means that the MPU-401 interface is currently in use by another application. You will often see this message if you are in a Windows sequencer, and you try to change the SETMPU settings from a DOS Session. To resolve this problem, get out of the sequencer (or any program using the MPU-401 driver), and try using SETMPU again. Q: SETMPU tells me switches "/M123" are enabled but I haven't selected those options. A: This problem occurs because of real-time clock signals coming from your synthesizer keyboard. To resolve this problem, turn off your synthesizer keyboard before using SETMPU, and turn it back on after you finish. Often, the best solution is to initialize SETMPU with the settings you want from your AUTOEXEC.BAT. When you subsequently turn on your synthesizer keyboard after booting up, you should not even see this problem. Q: I have a MIDI cable that I used with my Sound Blaster card. Will it work with the Audiotrix Pro? A: The Audiotrix Pro MIDI cable is not compatible with a "Sound Blaster" MIDI cable. The opto-isolator circuitry found on "Sound Blaster" cables is not required with the Audiotrix Pro. If you did not get a MIDI cable at the time of purchase, please contact Mediatrix to purchase one or to obtain the proper pinout schematic. Q: My Windows sequencer tells me I have no input device driver installed. A: You have not installed the "Roland MPU-401" driver. Please refer to the section "Configuring the Audiotrix Pro for a Windows-based sequencing environment". Q: When I play MIDI files, I want to use my external MIDI device to play and record music. A: You must then use the SETMPU /M12 switch. Q: SETMPU.EXE does not want to remember the command line switches. A: When running SETMPU.EXE, make sure that no MIDI devices are sending commands to the MPU-401 interface of the Audiotrix Pro (turn off your synthesizer). If this still does not solve the problem, try slowing down your computer by turning off the TURBO switch while running SETMPU.EXE (you can re-enable the TURBO after). ======================================== How to reach Mediatrix Technical Support ======================================== If you have any problems setting up the Audiotrix Pro MPU-401 interface, contact Mediatrix Technical Support by: Tel: (819) 829-8749 (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST) Fax: (819) 829-5100 BBS: (819) 829-5101 (v.32bis ANSI,N,8,1) Compuserve: GO MEDIATRIX or GO MIDIDV then choose Mediatrix section or send messages to: 74774,1335 Internet: Technical Support: FTP Server : in /pub/mediatrix World Wide Web :