AUDIOTRIX PRO WINDOWS 95 SETUP DISK V 1.1 ========================================= WHAT'S NEW IN THIS PACKAGE ABOUT THIS PACKAGE... PREPARATIONS BEFORE INSTALLING THESE DRIVERS INSTALLING THE AUDIOTRIX PRO WINDOWS 95 SETUP DISK INSTALLING THE DRIVERS MODIFICATIONS DURING THE INSTALLATION HOW TO RECONFIGURE THE DRIVERS TROUBLESHOOTING OBTAINING TECHNICAL SUPPORT ========================== WHAT'S NEW IN THIS PACKAGE ========================== DIRECTX COMPATIBILITY The Audiotrix Pro drivers in this package (ATPWAVE.DRV, ATPWAVE.VXD, OPL4.DRV) now offer support for DirectSound, an API of Microsoft's Windows 95 DirectX architecture. DirectSound reduces the latency of sound playback under Windows 95. More and more games under Windows 95 are now requiring DirectX drivers. NEW FORMAT FOR ADPCM The new DIRECTX drivers no longer support hardware ADPCM. However, the DIRECTX drivers do support Microsoft ADPCM as available in Windows 95. Consequently, we have included a new INTRO-AD.WAV file which has been recorded in Microsoft ADPCM. Il you absolutety require support for hardware ADPCM, DO NOT INSTALL THESE NEW DRIVERS. SET/BLASTER IN AUTOEXEC.BAT The new installation procedure now puts the following lines in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. SET MEDIATRIX=C:\TRXPRO C:\TRXPRO\SETUPPRO -I SET BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 If your SETUPPRO settings are changed from the normal Sound Blaster default settings of Address 220, IRQ7 and DMA 1, you must manually change these settings in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to conform the settings in the DOS Audiotrix Pro configuration (SETUPPRO.EXE). ===================== ABOUT THIS PACKAGE... ===================== You are about to install the Windows 95 drivers for the Audiotrix Pro. The MIDI drivers are based on the OPL4 drivers provided by Yamaha. We have, over time, modified and fine tuned these drivers for optimum performance on the Audiotrix Pro. The wave drivers, which were formerly supplied by Crystal Semiconductor, the manufacturer of the CS4231 Codec on the Audiotrix Pro, are now based on the Microsoft Windows Sound System drivers. For these drivers to work properly, you will still need the card to be initialized in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file using the "SET MEDIATRIX" and "SETUPPRO -I" lines. These lines will be added to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file by the installation program of the Audiotrix Pro Windows 95 Setup disk (see What's New in this package above). The following accessories which were packaged on the Audiotrix Pro Setup Disk no longer function with our new Windows 95 drivers: "Audiotrix Pro Input Mixer", "Audiotrix Pro Output Mixer" and the "Audiotrix Pro Recorder". These utilities were formerly supplied by Crystal Semiconductor and are now replaced by the "Volume Control" (for both input and output), and by the "Sound Recorder". To avoid confusion, the installation program removes the Crystal icons from the Mediatrix folder. These icons are replaced by a shortcut to the Windows 95 "Volume Control" and "Sound Recorder" applications. You can find these two programs from the Start Menu, in the \Programs\Accessories\Multimedia folder. The Audiotrix Pro OPL4 driver provided in this package fixes problems when using the RAM daughterboard software under Windows 95. You will also need to download an update of the RAM software which has been revised to work under Windows 95. You can download these updated files from our BBS at (819) 829-8749, or from our FTP site ( ============================================ PREPARATIONS BEFORE INSTALLING THESE DRIVERS ============================================ For this driver package to work properly, you must first remove some of the sound drivers which were automatically installed by Windows 95. To do this, you must click on the "Start" button, select "Settings", and then "Control Panel" to access the Windows 95 Control Panel. Once there, double click on the "System" icon, and select the "Device Manager" notebook tab. Select "Sound, video and game controllers". Remove the following drivers: "MS Windows Sound System Compatible" and "Windows Sound System Soundblaster Emulation". Once these drivers are removed, restart Windows 95. If you had installed our beta driver package, you must also remove the "Audiotrix Pro Sound Card" driver using the same procedure as above. Make sure you have installed the multimedia accessories packaged with Windows 95. These accessories include the Media Player (for playing WAV or MID files), the Sound Recorder (for recording WAV files) and the Volume Control. If you have not installed these items, keep your Windows 95 CD-ROM or installation diskettes handy because you will need them if you have not installed any of the Windows 95 multimedia components. ================================================== INSTALLING THE AUDIOTRIX PRO WINDOWS 95 SETUP DISK ================================================== Use the "Add/Remove Programs" Wizard in the "Control Panel" to install the Audiotrix Pro Windows 95 Setup disk. To access the "Control Panel" click the "Start" button, then select "Settings" and finally, select "Control Panel". Double click the "Add/Remove Programs" icon to install the Setup disk. Follow these steps in the "Add/Remove Programs" Wizard: Step 1: Select the "Install/Uninstall" notebook tab and click on the "Install" button. Step 2: Insert your Audiotrix Pro Windows 95 Setup disk in your floppy drive and click "Next". Step 3: The "Add/Remove Programs" Wizard will locate the Setup program and will show you where it is. Click "Finish" to begin the installation process. Step 4: Follow the prompts of the Audiotrix Pro Windows 95 Setup Wizard. ----- Notes ----- During the installation process, the setup program will ask you for the type of installation to perform. You are presented with three choices: - Typical: Installs all program, driver and music files. Updates your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. This is the recommended installation. - Compact: Installs all program and driver files. Updates your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. - Custom : Installs only the components you want to install. Updates your AUTOEXEC.BAT file only if you are installing the Program files. The setup program will try to find the Windows 95 Sound Recorder and/or Volume Control programs. It will create shortcut to these items in the Mediatrix folder if it finds them. The setup program will not install the device drivers, it only copies the necessary files to your hard disk. You must manually install them using the "Add New Hardware" Wizard. The necessary driver files are copied to the \TRXPRO\WIN95 directory. The setup program removes the icons for the Crystal software, as well as the old Audiotrix Pro READ ME, and Utilities Guide files. ====================== INSTALLING THE DRIVERS ====================== Use the "Add New Hardware" Wizard in the "Control Panel" to install the Audiotrix Pro drivers. To access the "Control Panel" click the "Start" button, then select "Settings" and finally, select "Control Panel". Double click the "Add New Hardware" icon to install the drivers. Follow these steps in the "Add New Hardware" Wizard: Step 1: After viewing the first screen, click "Next" to continue Step 2: Indicate you DO NOT want Windows to search for your new hardware and select "Next" to continue. Step 3: Select "Sound, video and game controllers" as the hardware type you want to install then select "Next" to continue. Step 4: You are now at the manufacturer selection screen. Select "Have Disk" and specify x:\TRXPRO\WIN95 as the directory where to find the driver files. Where x: is the drive where you installed the Audiotrix Pro software (normally c:). The Audiotrix Pro Windows 95 Setup program copies the driver files in the \TRXPRO\WIN95 directory. Step 5: Select "Audiotrix Pro Sound Card" and click "OK". Step 6: You will then see the configuration of the card. Click "Next" to continue. If you do not see the configuration and you would like to, select "Details". Windows will then copy the files required to use the driver. Step 7: Select "Finish" to complete the installation procedure and restart your computer. ----- Notes ----- If you had installed our beta driver package, you must remove the "Audiotrix Pro Sound Card" driver (as explained in the Preparations Before Installing these Drivers section before installing them using the above procedure. If you do not remove them, you will see two instances of the driver in the Device Manager. By default, the driver will be configured for full duplex audio using the recommended full duplex configuration (IRQ11, Play DMA 3, Record DMA 0, I/O 530). If Windows 95 can not allocate two DMA channels (1 for playback and 1 for recording), it will configure the driver for half duplex. These drivers no longer need the SETUPPRO Wave configuration to match the settings of the driver. However, you still need to initialize the Audiotrix Pro in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file for the Soundblaster and General MIDI emulation to work. We will address this in a future release of the driver. If the "Add New Hardware" Wizard prompts you to insert the Windows 95 installation disk or CD, it is because you have not installed some of the required multimedia components (ie. Sound Recorder, Volume Control, audio codecs, etc.). We have noticed that sometimes when the Wizard wants you to insert the Windows 95 disk, it will not be able to locate the file it is looking for. In these cases, make sure your Windows 95 CD or installation disks are present in the specified drive and click on the OK button. If problems persist, click on the "Skip File" button to move on to the next file and exit the installation. To install missing multimedia components, use the "Add/Remove Programs" Wizard in the control panel. ===================================== MODIFICATIONS DURING THE INSTALLATION ===================================== The following changes will be made to your SYSTEM during the installation process: The Setup Program will copy the following files to your hard disk: C:\TRXPRO | INSTALL.TXT This file | MIXERPRO.EXE DOS Mixer program | SETMPU.EXE MPU-401 Setup program | MPU401.TXT How to use the Audiotrix Pro MPU-401 interface | SETUPPRO.EXE DOS Setup program | TRXPRO.INI Main configuration file | TRXPRO.HEX Sound Blaster and MPU-401 compatibility program | MIDPNOUT.ASC MIDI Cable Pinout Schematic (VIEW WITH DOS EDITOR) | +---WIN95 | ATPRO.INF Driver information file | ATPWAVE.VXD Audiotrix Pro Wave Device Driver | ATPWAVE.DRV Audiotrix Pro Wave Device Driver | OPL4.DRV OPL4 Device Driver | \---WAVE *.WAV Wave demo files The Audiotrix Pro Windows 95 Setup Disk installation program adds the following lines to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: SET MEDIATRIX=C:\TRXPRO C:\TRXPRO\SETUPPRO -I SET BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 The Add New Hardware Wizard will copy the following files: \WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ATPWAVE.DRV \WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ATPWAVE.VXD \WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OPL4.DRV If present, it will remove the following lines from your SYSTEM.INI file: [386Enh] device=vsndsys.386 (if you were using the drivers on the Audiotrix Pro Setup Disk) device=cs31ba11.386 (if you were using the drivers from the SETUP 95 Disk) [Drivers] wave=cs31ba11.drv aux=cs31ba11.drv The Wizard will also add the following lines to your SYSTEM.INI file: [Drivers] midi=opl4.drv [opl4.drv] portPCM=380 portFM=388 FMLevel=4 PCMLevel=7 int=0 SynthMode=1 OpMode=5 2OpEnable=01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01, 4OpEnable=01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01, DualMode=01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,00,00,00,00, DrumLevel=64 BankSelect=0 Please note future versions of the Audiotrix Pro OPL4 driver will write its configuration settings directly in the Windows Registry. ============================== HOW TO RECONFIGURE THE DRIVERS ============================== To change the configuration of the wave drivers, go in the "Control Panel", double click on the "System" icon and then select the "Device Manager" notebook tab. Select "Sound, video and game controller" and then double click "Audiotrix Pro Sound Card". To modify the configuration of the driver, select the "Resources" notebook tab and you will see the current configuration parameters of the driver. Double click on the name of the item you want to modify and you will be able to change it's configuration setting. Make sure your settings here reflect your Wave Settings in SETUPPRO, which is located in the \TRXPRO directory. To configure the card for full duplex, you must use "Basic Configuration 0". In that setup, the first DMA entry is the Wave playback DMA and the second is the Wave capture DMA. To modify the parameters of the OPL4 device driver, you must go in "Multimedia", which is in the "Control Panel", and select the "Advanced" notebook tab. Select "Midi Devices and Instruments", then double click on the "Audiotrix Pro OPL4 Synth" driver and then select "Settings". =============== TROUBLESHOOTING =============== Q : Why don't the Audiotrix Pro Input and Output Mixers work any more? A : Because we wrote our own drivers for Windows 95, these programs which were provided by Crystal Semiconductor do not function anymore. Instead, use the volume control icon which resides in the taskbar. Q : I can't find the input mixer... How am I supposed to select the input source to record? A : First, you need to double click on the speaker icon in the taskbar, or on the volume control in the multimedia folder. From the "Options" menu, select "Properties". Then, in the "Adjust volume for" box, select "recording" and click "OK". You will see the input mixer appear on the screen. You can open two volume control windows on your screen, one for input and another for input. Q : When I click on the Volume Control icon in the taskbar, I only get one slider called volume, how can I control individual sound outputs? A : Double click on the Volume Control icon to get the full volume control panel. To select which sliders are displayed, select "Properties" from the "Options" menu. In the lower part of the screen, you can select which volume controls you want to display on the screen. Q : The drivers are installed, I can hear sounds but the volume control icon is not in the taskbar. A1: Go in the Control Panel, then select "Multimedia". In the "Audio" notebook tab, there is an option called "Show volume control in taskbar", select this item then click on the "Apply" button in the lower right corner of the screen to see the volume control. A2: Make sure the Volume Control accessory is installed on your system. If it is not, you can install it using the "Add/Remove Programs" Wizard in the Control Panel. Q : After installing the drivers, when I restart my computer, I get the following error message: "ATPWAVE.VXD is out of date." A : The "Microsoft Sound System" drivers are installed on the system. You must remove them as explained in the "PREPARATIONS BEFORE INSTALLING THESE DRIVERS" section of this text. Q : When I'm in a DOS box, I cannot hear General MIDI music in DOS games. A : This is caused by the Windows OPL4 driver which sets the Audiotrix Pro MPU-401 interface to use an external MIDI device when you are in Windows. You can resolve this problem by running the SETMPU utility (which is in the \TRXPRO directory) with the "/M3" parameter (ex.: "SETMPU /M3"). We will address this problem in a future release of the drivers. Q : I have to reboot my computer twice to get the wave drivers work and get the volume control icon to appear in the taskbar. A : To resolve this problem, you must change the configuration of the driver to make it use automatic settings determined on startup by Windows 95. To do this, go in the driver configuration screen as explained in the "How to reconfigure the drivers" section. Once in the "Resources" tab of the wave driver, you will notice there is a checkbox called "Use Automatic Settings". You must check this box and this should resolve your problem. Q : I am trying to play a game using Microsoft Sound System in a Windows DOS box, but I get no sound output. A : Go in Mixerpro and raise the volume of "Wave out left" and "Wave out right". This problem will be fixed in the next release of the driver. Q : I have a Pentium 133 Mhz machine, and I am having problems playing MIDI music. A : If you are in this situation, please e-mail our technical support department at "" to give us a description of your computer system (ie. motherboard, brand name, etc...). The OPL4 driver in this package should work properly, on most computers but a small number of users are still experiencing problems. Please e-mail us at if you encounter any problems. We will get back to you as soon as possible. =========================== OBTAINING TECHNICAL SUPPORT =========================== If you have any problems setting up the Audiotrix Pro under Windows 95, contact Mediatrix Technical Support by: Tel: (819) 829-8749 (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST) Fax: (819) 829-5100 BBS: (819) 829-5101 (v.32bis ANSI,N,8,1) Compuserve: GO MEDIATRIX or GO MIDIDV then choose Mediatrix section or send messages to: 74774,1335 Internet: Technical Support: FTP Server : in /pub/mediatrix World Wide Web :